Poor Man's Cake – No Eggs, No Butter, No Milk – The Hillbilly Kitchen

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Poor Man’s Cake – Hard Times Recipe Poor Man’s Cake – No Eggs, No Butter, No Milk. This recipe was born in terribly hard times …

37 replies
  1. Merrie Barrilleaux
    Merrie Barrilleaux says:

    I love to hear Our grandparents Story, My Grandmother worked in a sugar cane field. She would make simple cakes like that. She would boil her sugarcane and make her own cane syrup. She worked doing that for all her friends on the Bayou. God Bless

  2. Rebecca Hogenkamp
    Rebecca Hogenkamp says:

    I'll make this for my mom. She'll be 100 in March and now has dairy issues.
    I learned from her to boil my raisins when I make oatmeal cookies. I add soda to some hot juice and then add to dry ingredients. Makes chewy cookie. Same ingredients.

  3. AV
    AV says:

    Would it make a difference if the raisins or cranberries are left out completely? I dont like neither and I was wondering if that ingredient was essential to make it

  4. Mary Eckerberg
    Mary Eckerberg says:

    We were very blessed I that we were on a farm and had ample milk, butter, and eggs. Also plenty of meat and vegetables from our garden and a strawberry bed. And our fields had gooseberries and blackberries free for the picking.

  5. Piedad Aragon
    Piedad Aragon says:

    Thank you as always your great. I feel that was a perfect scripture.times are getting worse, prices are are double example Happy eggs were $5.00 now $10.78 at my Walmart, I can’t find organic 18 pack there. Romans 15:13 🙏🏼🫶🏼🎄

  6. Archer Jackson
    Archer Jackson says:

    We are extremely poor right now and I have been struggling to make lunches for my kids with what we have in the cupboard but I made this and it was so yummy. All I did different was add a spoonful of molasses and my cake came out looking very different but it’s so good and the kids feel like they’re getting a real treat which makes me feel like a good mom. I love your videos and I appreciate you so much. We also had ‘SOS’ for supper the other night with rice and the kids took some of the leftovers for lunch and then I made mushroom “risotto” and mixed in the rest of the hamburger gravy- all that with only 1lb of discount hamburger! And it was a huge hit with the kids.

  7. therealz 360z
    therealz 360z says:

    The food bank gave out a whole box of grapes in no way could we eat them in time so I plugged in my dehydrater and the next day I had a big bag of raisins, im not above checking alti dumpster and they always have produce to close to expirating and I'm not above taking five bags of potatoes because one is bad ill pull out the bad one was the rest and can them rather then see them spoil or if its spring ill dig a whole in my garden and throw them in and get ten times that amount. I hate to waste food because I know it's a luxury not everyone can have.

  8. therealz 360z
    therealz 360z says:

    I can't see anything good 8n memories of extreme poverty , my mother was an incomplete quadriplegic so it wasn't being lazy although I do hear ignorant comments alot especially f.b comments i know there are people that need to get a job but you won't hire someone that only has the use of her left side from the neck down frequent accidents involving her bowels yet back in those days there was no child support inforcement. I say this because not all of us have warm memories of farm fresh veggies foodstamps back then would only last if you had the ability to shop at discount supermarkets if you have to buy from a small store designed for when you just need one thing when your in a pinch , being on the heavy side of normal because of eating too many carbs but feeling guilty for not being too thin is the reality of poverty

  9. Teresa
    Teresa says:

    Thank you for saying things are not as bad as times in the past. I see so much negativity and hopelessness out there on some channels. It is important to remember that generations past have survived bad times. We do have hope.

  10. Sharon J
    Sharon J says:

    These recipes come from the generation that became accustomed to food shortages. My parents went through the depression but after that came WWII and mom said during that time the it was hard get many foods. For some reason white sugar was one but brown sugar was usually available in small quantities.
    They really lived the hard life.

  11. OG
    OG says:

    My mama made cake like this. She used powdered sugar with a little vanilla and water for icing. She definitely knew how to make delicious food from very little.

  12. Nava Leah
    Nava Leah says:

    I've had this before, or something very similar.
    When I was a kid an older lady neighbor used to make it for me, and herself of course.
    Her kids and grandkids were rude and spoiled and refused to eat "that depression era @#$%&", as they called it.
    I was young and poor and happy to get any treat, no matter what era it came from, and would never have talked to that lady like they did, and was often praised by the lady for my kindness and good manners.
    Seriously, I never figured how them kids was hers.
    So, anytime she got a hankering for some, she'd go to the back fence of our property and holler out my name for me to come on over and would usually send me home with half of it for just me and daddy.
    We had some chickens and would often share some eggs with her.
    But as soon as we first started giving her eggs, she would make something else with them to share with us.
    So daddy said if she won't eat the eggs just for herself we'll have to figure something else to pay her back.
    So on them days when she'd call me over, I'd spy out chores a youngun my size could do and just do 'em, and daddy said that was acceptable for her troubles and ingredients, but then she tried to pay me for the chores.
    I told daddy and he told her it would be a good lesson for me to be doing something for others without expecting something in return.
    The lady thought I had already learned that lesson.
    So instead of paying me for the chores, I would find coins that would mysteriously appear on the ground in the area where I played the most.
    It was hilarious because we first thought somebody had cut across our property and lost their pocket money.
    Then one morning he said, you might wanna go on over there and play for a bit and see what you find.
    He caught her tossing the coins at daybreak.
    I hate that I never got the recipe from her before she suddenly died just a few years after we first met her.
    And I hate that younguns today think that they stand too far above everybody else to eat good old fashioned home cooking.

  13. Missy Justin Case
    Missy Justin Case says:

    I LOVE this!! It's perfect for the rising cost of living ..AND we know times are tough because so many people are finding themselves homeless. But you can usually find someone with a toaster oven and power!!

  14. Mary Mcdonald
    Mary Mcdonald says:

    Can I substitute apples instead of raisins and use less water? If not, does it have to be dried fruit? If so, what spice would complement dried cherries – cocoa powder, maybe? Thanks for making cooking less intimidating!


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