Podcast Episode 226: How to Make Yogurt with L. Gasseri

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Lactobacillus Gasseri species is super important in the world of intestinal microbes. You might just think you can take a …

14 replies
  1. Richard Roda
    Richard Roda says:

    I've come across your extremely, informative videos recently and noticed that your videos featuring you are years old. All of your newer ones are of a talking glass vessel. I and others would be interested to see how you have gracefully aged due to your diet and lifestyle.
    Thank you for your time.
    Richard in Florida

  2. Candice Christopher
    Candice Christopher says:

    Whenever I make my super gut yogurt with 2T left over yogurt from an original batch or after it separates into curds and whey about 80% of the time – super frustrating. My last batch separated by hour 15 so I took it out of my Luvele. If it starts separating does that mean I have all the high bacteria counts still even though it didn’t reach 30-36 hours? When I make the 1st batch from the packets it always comes out perfect for the 36 hours. I’m wondering if I should skip the prebiotics because it’s feeding too quickly? I’ve ruined so many batches. I don’t like the taste as much when it separates either.

  3. Dot Cosmo
    Dot Cosmo says:

    I've read one should not use steel kitchen tools with kefir and yogurt. I want to serve this yogurt to my kids in their lunchbox but their lunchbox bento only fits the little stainless steel cups that come with the lunchbox system. What will it do to the yogurt if I send it in a steel cup? Will that mess with the cultures?

  4. sishrac
    sishrac says:

    All good… I bought into this L. Reuteri hook, line, and sinker and now am suffering from elevated histamine production. You really ought to give the heads up on this side effect and how to combat it or how to keep the histamine balance.

  5. Linda Shum
    Linda Shum says:

    thank you for the tutorial. I have a question. The first batch from powered culture of l. Ruetri always separates for me. My second and third batches subsequently are perfect. The fourth batch this time is good but slightly slimy. My research found information it could be yeast contamination from yeast in the kitchen or it’s cultured at too low a temperature. I warm it at 98 in the sous vide, should I use a higher heat?

  6. Susan F
    Susan F says:

    I have tried making Lreuteri yoghurt about 5 times and I just get whey and curds. I have tried Dr Davis’s method and then twice with the culture from you guys. I use the whey and I can make Sibo yoghurt but Lreuteri doesn’t seem to work for me. I use the instant pot duo which has a sous vide function, so I know the temps should be correct.


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