Planning a month of meals | Minimalist and simplify | reduce mental load |

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Hi everyone and welcome Vlogmas – where I attempt to put out a new video every day in December. Let’s see how I go! Today I am working on a monthly meal …

5 replies
  1. Leanne R
    Leanne R says:

    I love meal planning for the month. I have done it for years because we get paid monthly. I do some things the same (mothership roast on Sunday) but I don’t break up into weeks. Because we get paid on the 15th of the month I plan 16th-15th. I have recently made a big list of things that everybody eats without complaint and work off that. I note days that are busy and make sure to have an easy meal that night. Only a few things will get repeated (Parma/schnitzel, Roast Chicken and Korean mince) I do a big shop once a month and then just top up on fresh stuff as needed.

  2. Burgess Spencer
    Burgess Spencer says:

    OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— i got it from 💜 💜 "2:23" NAO

  3. Alexandra W
    Alexandra W says:

    Hooray for Ellen plans Vlogmas! 🎉
    I don’t think I’ll start a monthly meal plan right now due to all the festivities, but I got so many useful ideas from this. Loving roast then wraps idea. My family would love the sushi bowls. I’d simplify Friday nights even further by giving the kids a choice of any freezer food and purchasing some quality pre-made soups. When repeating curries, casseroles or bolognaise sauce I’ll do a massive batch then freeze the rest for subsequent weeks. I’ll then only have to cook pasta or rice, for example.
    Thank you for all your amazing ideas for simplifying our lives!

  4. N BK
    N BK says:

    I was stuck on meal planning today. Then watched your video. It made it easier to plan using your method. I usually cook a mix of dishes. Asian, Arab, Aussie. I love Tacos and chicken paprakush. Thanks 😊

  5. Taylah Louise Budgets
    Taylah Louise Budgets says:

    This is such a smart idea. I basically pick 1 or two meals I feel like for the week, and buy schnitzels and salad for my bf every week and we’re done in the meals department. This is an idea I need to store for the kids stage of the life for sure!!!


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