Pierre Poilievre Tells Trudeau “500$ wont rent a dog house for a month” Question Period 10/18/2022

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Pierre Tells Trudeau “500$ wont rent a dog house for a month” in Question Period 10/18/2022 Pierre Tells Trudeau 500$ wont …

49 replies
  1. Tom Menczel
    Tom Menczel says:

    My rent is $2550.00. My cheque is $1400 I'm doing just fine Mr dildo. What about food hydro water cable phone I don't need any why would I
    it's not necessary for food or electricity in my new tent world!!!!!!!!! you stupid two faced fuck faced fucktart

  2. C Robinson
    C Robinson says:

    So what is Mr. Pee Pee in favor of to help Canadians then? Universal basic Income or a $2000 check for Canadians? During the pandemic he was crying over CERB and government spending now he wants more? Mr. Pee Pee needs to make his positions clear if he wants to be the next Prime Minister.

  3. Chris N
    Chris N says:

    Who gives a $hit about some piddly little dental benefit. The cost of gas, groceries and just about everything you can think of is higher. Trudeau is such a fuc*ing moron.

  4. matt thomson
    matt thomson says:

    Ottawa has lost sight of this contrary it's a bunch of rich kids arguing over pennies well the rest of us starve. There are three leaders and all of them have there head in the sand, as for Toronto try Woodstock at 500 000 for a house same house 6 years ago was 200 000 hmmm I wander who was in charge then.

  5. Adam Goodman
    Adam Goodman says:

    1300 dollars gets one crown, (and a trip for the dentist to the mercedes dealership) old Turdface would be better to regulate the theft by dentists. May be he gets a cut — oh, of course he does (called taxes). Turdface takes thousands and thousands out of my pocket every year, and gives me a pittance. Sure, I got a "climate incentive" check for 200 bucks a few days ago. But that gets me one trip to the grocery store. Cynical, thieving, lying, miscreants running this country into the dirt.

  6. Margaret Mary Dempster
    Margaret Mary Dempster says:

    Oh here we go with Pee Pee’s truncated clips. 🤣🤣🤣 He consulted with his MAGA MOB GOON SQUAD on this one. His pal Rex Murphy is disappointed in him whimping out on the National Press Gallery Diner. Poor Pee Pee doesn’t like being roasted. Fragile Ego and. Control Freak.

  7. Angi James
    Angi James says:

    Trudeau is a narcissistic pos. His Finance minister is completely out of touch. They think raising taxes will fix their problem. Not it will make it worse by strangling the middle class workers.

  8. OG_LuDaChRiS
    OG_LuDaChRiS says:

    1500 a month rent 400+ a month in Bill's 250 a month fuel to get to work, 100 insurance 350 medication with blue cross and benefits…I turned 50 last month and didnt celebrate. Have never had a vacation in my life. Raised 2 taxpaying hardworking educated kids, drive a 20 year old POS but I do have my IROC still. I make a decent living and am educated and working in cutting edge new energy technologies. I have lost faith in Canadian government. I am not aligned with the direction Trudeau is taking us. I regard all Trudeaus as enemies and anyone in support of him. On this day I declare Trudeaus govt. And enemy of the people and refuse to pay any further tax nor dictated fee to live free. Come at me I'll make sure you never forget it! Trudeau must GO!

  9. john gacy
    john gacy says:

    i cant belive retards still vote this inbred, he talks like hes putting food in peoples mouths with $500 and liberal retard voters eat it up. they live on welfare and he gets their votes like they are equal. what this country has become disgusts me, im glad i dont pay taxes anymore. maybe once others stop we can drain them out.

  10. John Maka
    John Maka says:

    I wonder what would motivate the NDP leader to break their affair with the Trudoghnians and spark the most wonderful career death match of the century.
    Because obviously it is fear which has cuckolded him and will forever be the shit stain on their legacy as a separate party.
    If someone has an answer and the position to make that happen they may be the catalyst of something amazing
    Dare say, may even make God smile

  11. Elizabeth🌞
    Elizabeth🌞 says:

    Hola.. This shitty ass Gouverment made Billion !! Billions !!! Billions in every Avenue you can imagine 😡And you want to add more taxes on for what!! Well We are going to be worse then a pig in a pig house!! I would like to know the real reason why we the public is paying for this man’s gorceries? Wtf.. Him & his wife can’t afford there own food … This is unacceptable….The landlords are loving this ! In the newspaper you have a 3 bedroom apt 2300$ How !!!!!😡What these home were built since 1965 and believe me they don’t have Gold in them!! When the week come I was able to bring gorceries for my mom now I have to cut things drastically!! This is crazzy?😤But I’ll say this again & again !! He ‘s got millions to of our tax money from hard working Canadians to give to other Countries!!! It’s sickening!!😡

  12. James Woodard
    James Woodard says:

    This clown knows exactly what's going on he's doing what w e f has told him to do are y'all so cold over there that you don't understand these clowns are laughing at you behind your back either get rid of them or shut up and sit down cuz they're going to run the shows real soon

  13. Elizabeth🌞
    Elizabeth🌞 says:

    Hola!! When I read what he spends on food for his Royalty Family !! I talked all day & night until my daughter came in and said Mom can you stop I’m trying to watch my show!! Unreal …. Glad that Mr.P.P . Used that as a reference!! No the black face king is just spending 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰Like it’s candy!! 😡So
    I’m now to what go and whore to make your Moron ass more rich!! You & that Free other idiot talking about look out for recessions for 2023!! Wtf.. Go get back every $💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰All our money that you have just given away to other Countries!! You can’t put nothing towards education Parents family allowance!! Minimum wage STINKS here in this province ! Our health Care .. it’s over we’re drowning!!! Housing !… Roads… are a total disaster 😡Man the day your platform falls it won’t be sooner😂😤

  14. bruce mcclelland
    bruce mcclelland says:

    Trudeau can’t even run the medical system look at all the wait times the hospital closures the lack of family doctors and now he wants to fund new programs
    Maybe he should fix the current medical problems before he promises more empty programs

  15. Honk Honk
    Honk Honk says:

    Im NDP but bro Pierre seems pretty competent.

    This is a once in a lifetime freak scenario with how the pandemic fucked oil production over.
    Theres no reason to go green right now. We neeed to focus on establishing the basics.

    The Ukraine war fucking gas prices over along with oil production cuts is also not helpihng things.
    What I dont understand is that Albertan oil is supposed to be used in emergencies and such for energy independence.
    I dont support subsidizing it alot, but can we atleast try and remove some of the limiters?

  16. This Guy
    This Guy says:

    This is just-an-actor trudolf castors last term as crime minister. The only way he gets back in after he 100% gets voted (hopefully tossed head first) out is literally by blatantly stealing it and I wouldn’t put it past the little piece of trash


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