Picadillo de Carne Molida – Mexican Breakfast – Mexican Food

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Picadillo reminds me of brunch, as growing up it was made for breakfast or lunch. It can be served with rice and beans or tortillas and fried eggs sunny side up.

21 replies
  1. ngatiramona
    ngatiramona says:

    KirbyBanderas ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 I'm loving learning about this incredibly delicious cuisine and family ties. Huge respect, love and virtual hugs to you and family! Love from mum and I xoxoxo

  2. Pickles BBQ
    Pickles BBQ says:

    Heck yeah Kirby, that picadillo looks on point! Really nice veggie combination and definitely good for any meal of the day. Have a great Labor Day weekend brother!

  3. Patiser Oly
    Patiser Oly says:

    Buna, numele meu este Oly, recent mi'am deschis un canal Youtube unde postez retete culinare. Mi'ar face o deosebita placere daca mi'ai putea oferi opinia ta. Iti multumesc ^_^ . Ti'am urmarit videoclipurile si pot sa spun ca chiart imi plac 🙂 Deasemenea m'am alaturat canalului tau ^_^.

  4. jimmy solomon
    jimmy solomon says:

    Man I'm in South Texas I love cooking this. This is a little different variation but definitely down for it. All my favorite ingredients. Definitely pinto and Spanish rice flour tortillas. Yum that makes this fat boy Happy!!!!


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