Peter Coulson Live Stream – Cooking + Q&A

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Hey YouTube! Thanks for joining today’s live stream, we hope you enjoy todays discussion, feel free to leave any comments in the chat box. Peter’s Chilli …

24 replies
  1. Marcel Xerri
    Marcel Xerri says:

    Peter kept saying he thought he'd forgotten something? Was it the '2 jalapeños, seeded and chopped' as detailed in the ingredients?? As i can't see when he added them??? Could you let me know when they should go in?
    Also thank you for the great insight, advice and humanity!

  2. George Huss
    George Huss says:

    Regarding 2:08:44 ; I really enjoyed the RaRa Night Shoot in the streets of Melbourne. Probably not possible in lockdown ? But, when you can it would be something I, personally, would enjoy. Just a thought.

  3. muse & creator
    muse & creator says:

    Peter I really loved your answer to the question about what you’d do if you ended up in another country/city. I’m facing this exact situation in the next three months and I’m now desperately happy that my plan is effectively what you outlined! Thanks!

  4. Edward Kilner
    Edward Kilner says:

    Tomato plants are vines. Tomatoes are fruits, technically berries. Fruits are normally deserts, but vegetables are cooked. Tariffs dispute a long time ago in US resulted in definition as vegetables. Politics versus science. Sound familiar? Much more on Wikipedia.

  5. David Williams
    David Williams says:

    Enjoyed the live stream very much always pick up something from your videos. Your so right all you need do is type anything on Google and you get adds for it. About a month ago was looking for a new used camera thats allI see now are ads for cameras. Bec's hair looked amazing today.

  6. JLuis -
    JLuis - says:

    Hi Peter, in your video "My travel lighting" I think you don't talk about the c-stand, Can you recommend one for travel? The ones I see seem weak and can't handle a big octa. As always, thank you very much for everything.


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