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Don’t skimp on pesto, and don’t be shy with olive oil. If you do, you’ll end up staring at a mound of flavour-lacking, dry pesto pasta …

19 replies
  1. NinjaHamsterUpRising
    NinjaHamsterUpRising says:

    The secret to get an amazing creamy pesto is by making it the traditional way with mortar and pestle. But if that sound too hard, then add some water and lemon juice to help it become creamy and not oily.(instruction bellow)

    Tip – if you dont want to use it straight away, blanching the basil of a few seconds will help keep it bright green and not turn black.. It will keep a lovely green for a few days and can be frozen to use later.

    Updated recipe – simple follow this recipe but don't add parmarsen or nuts till later and add 1-2 tbs of lemon juice and 1/4 – 1/2 cup of water process till creamy then add the parmesan & pine nuts and process till desired consistency (optional a few more basil leaves for some large flecks) also you wont need that extra mayonnaise.

    Traditional way, – use a mortar and pestle( Use a large one) work the garlic and salt together before adding the basil, working that into somewhat of a paste, and then adding the lemon juice and olive oil; as with the blender method, pine nuts(pre crushing makes this easier) and finely grated Parmesan go last.

  2. LaMeme Chose
    LaMeme Chose says:

    I’m sick and it’s winter here, so I’ll have to settle for jarred pesto. But this looks delicious! I was trying to figure out what lunch was going to be this week and you just gave me the answer!


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