Perfecting Your Cannabutter Tutorial

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How to emulsify your cannabutter to ensure even distribution of the THC. Guar Gum :

38 replies
  1. Laurie Ferraro
    Laurie Ferraro says:

    I started out with 1lb of butter and ended up with a little less than half by the time I was done with infusion it. do I still use the whole 1/2 teaspoon of guar gum or use half?

  2. Audra Nicolio
    Audra Nicolio says:

    Thank you so much! I thought I was crazy thinking the flavor of my butter was awful… didn’t realize I could swap out the lecithin for guar gum. Tastes so much better now!

  3. Jack Fisher
    Jack Fisher says:

    So the color is white because you whisked plenty of air in it, if you melt it and solidify back again it will darken back to original color. But i like when butter is whisked this way.. It is easier to put on bread. It dont harden so much in the fridge when there is whisked air in to it. Nice creamy result you got there.

  4. The Dude
    The Dude says:

    I can’t be bothered to make candies, brownies, etc. ….. I just eat the canna butter …. it’s got all the THC, so why spend all that time in the kitchen when you don’t need to?

  5. Wout Taffijn
    Wout Taffijn says:

    wait, so you just melted butter and added tincture before starting the video, in that metal bowl?
    Or what's that greenish liquid in the bowl where the video starts off with?


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