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shorts #hummus #Charcuterie Homemade Hummus Ingredients: 30 oz Cooked Chick Peas 2-3 Garlic Cloves 2 Lemons 1/2 Cup …

43 replies
  1. @Ummagamma
    @Ummagamma says:

    If you want smooth hummus, the trick is not about removing the skin, you need to mix the chickpeas well add water until it’s very smooth then add tahini. Never add tahini at the beginning with the chickpeas. I learned this from a Lebanese cook.

  2. @agriffin5308
    @agriffin5308 says:

    I found the best way to remove the skins from the chickpeas! Take a wooden spoon, and when they were cooking and finished, stir the beans to break the skin, then gently stir the beans against the pot. By pressing the beans against the side of the pot, it helps release the skin use a wooden spoon because of how the wood grain grabs the skin. Then add some more water. Stir some more gently the skins will float to the top of the water. Next use a ladle to lift the skins out of the water. Drain and continue making the hummus. ❤


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