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Easy bake potatoes, oven temp 450 for 55 min. Just add a bit of oil, salt and pepper.

41 replies
  1. SmartDucc
    SmartDucc says:

    Tried it! It came out great 😀
    Thanks so much!
    It is a very basic potato, but still better then all the other recipes I found!
    Definitely Recommend!

    Tip: Stab that potato with a fork like there's no tomorrow lmao

  2. Luke Cowell
    Luke Cowell says:

    Takes far to long..
    Step 1: poke holes in tattys
    Step 2: throw tattys in the microwave for 10 mins while preheating oven.
    Step 3: coat hot microwaved tattys in melted butter, salt 🧂 and pepper
    Step 4: throw tattys in the hot oven for 20 mins
    Step 6: enjoy crispy tattys with whatever fillings you want.


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