Pec Chef Returns! (Healthy muscle building crockpot recipe)

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50 replies
  1. Cody McDonald
    Cody McDonald says:

    I was watching your newest video and my fiance asked "Didn't scooby stop making videos??" We are both glad you are still making them this year. You're always so real, provide great advice, and are generally such a nice person. Thanks for being awesome over the last 10 years I've watched.

  2. ESman Music
    ESman Music says:

    I actually made a lentil soup partially inspired by the pea soup you did years and it came out great! Really high i protein and very filling too. It’s even been helping me lean out quite a bit. Scooby keep up the awesome work you’ve been doing, you’re one of the real ones!

  3. ItzChdedx
    ItzChdedx says:

    Just used custom meal planner today because I'm trying to take the next steps in my fitness lifestyle, and I gotta say that food honestly doesn't look that bad or expensive.

  4. Howard Bent
    Howard Bent says:

    Hey Scoob and others! If you sprout your beans before you cook them, your body will be able to absorb more protein from it. For example, 100g of red beans = 26g of protein whereas if you sprout the same 100g, it's = 45g of protein. The wikipedia page for "Sprouting" talks about it more in depth

  5. Ali
    Ali says:

    Hey Scooby! I have this thing called the SRT barbell by Lebert Fitness. It has two mobile handgrips with resistance springs on the inside and out of them and so when you do a bicep curl and squeeze in you work the chest and if you squeeze out it works the rear delt. It's very cool and there are basically two levels of resistance springs you can change for when you're ready. I've noticed massive improvements of my physique with it. I was doing bicep curls with it and one day was shocked as I noticed my chest muscles were super pumped. I do push-ups with it too on the floor squeezing the handgrips in and out and then doing the push-up. Please let me know what you think of it and please check it out. It's the SRT barbell by Lebert Fitness.

  6. MiniGhost
    MiniGhost says:

    Great work right here! Thanks Scoobs. You're doing it Old School and it's great!
    Also, glad that you also explored cooking from raw ingredients. I remember back in 2015 you used a lot of canned foods (which is good too) but family insists on using fresh, raw ingredients.

  7. Mehmet T.
    Mehmet T. says:

    Scooby, you changed my life. And I want to say thank you!
    Your opinion and views on nutrition and discipline influenced me a lot and I can quickly distinguish true information from bullshit. And the greatest thing (and I think this is what you want to achieve here) is that I spread/live your message! And I always refer to your page and all the free text offered from you! You're the greatest fitness source for me. Fitness is free!
    People say I'm big but I always tell them it's all because of what you told me: Eat right, have fun working out, sleep enough (and fart)!
    Unfortunately, most people fall in the supplements trap and try to micromanage their bodies instead of getting one column (workout, sleep, nutrition) after another into order. I tasted the idea of success thanks to you and I never envy people for their own greatness of what they are. Because mostly they are selfmade. Hard/continuous work and discipline in our longing for things got them and me this far.
    I am still young enough as I started 10 years ago with bodybuilding as a 16 year old. Did I make mistakes? Of course! I injured myself from time to time, I got fat and lost it again, I got a girlfriend and lost it again. And then got an even greater partner. Heck, even my father passed away, but still I kept growing. Did things turn out for the good? Of course they did, and I got a young adult trying to make my way in this world. But the bad remains still. In these lowest moments of life, I knew there will be a day where I will smile again and that I will appreciate life for what it is. Growing up, I still have my fears, but hey, this is life. Suck it up big boy.
    You're one of the greatest mentors. You may not be one day, but your work will remain with me and so many others who you have influenced. I like the fact of you referring to us as your children. Because we're here and we will live it on and pass this lifestyle onto the next generations. I'm proud. And so should you be.
    One last note to the reader who has made it up until here:
    These are words, and these words just resemble my emotions and thoughts. And yet again, reading this and being fired up is one thing. Acting on it, is another. My beloved reader, don't be a fool and let these words be words. I so hope for you, if you have made it up until here, that I gave you your own spark and from here on it's your responsibility to carry your fire with you. Don't let it burn off. Take action. Grow.

  8. Dolan Jetsi
    Dolan Jetsi says:

    Imagine sitting there with a straight face with chemically enhanced delts at 60 years old telling people to batch cook 20 lbs of pinto beans when you inject steroids into your body and have been on and off for 30 years. Oh scoobs you are one funny guy

  9. jaw baw
    jaw baw says:

    Scooby, you never cease to entertain. Also I wonder – how many steroid pros will look as good as you when they reach your age? BTW I cook beans just like you but sometimes I use a pressure cooker instead of a slow cooker. Also as I speed towards 80 years I can no longer eat more than 2 meals a day.


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