Peanutty Sweet Potato Stew | Interview and Cooking with Marisa Miller Wolfson

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TO GET MARISA’S BOOK: Marisa Miller Wolfson is the writer-director of the award-winning …

8 replies
  1. Peter Rabbit
    Peter Rabbit says:

    I'm really enjoying my pound of vanilla powder from Native Vanilla. I put some of it, with cardamom and apple pie spices, on baked Jazz apples, today. I nearly had a heart attack it was so delicious. Even though it was 100% whole natural foods (Alan Goldhamer would approve!) with no added SOFAS, it was better than the Mrs. Smith apple pies I used to eat decades ago. My mom and brother kept telling me I could serve it in a 5-star restaurant.

    That vanilla powder….ooooof!!! How did I ever live without it? Come to think of it, I wasn't.

  2. siobhan costello
    siobhan costello says:

    My friend gave her twins raspberries for their 1st birthday treat. Which I thought was weird at the time. I asked, No cake? She said, No, their favorite food was raspberries! Why ruin their tastebuds with a hyper-palatable, junk food just because it’s traditional?!

  3. The Golden Rule 7
    The Golden Rule 7 says:

    The Peanutty Sweet Potato Stew looks great! Thank you!
    As per Marisa's comments at about 35:11… “Kids” should not have so many options these days regarding their gender. The American College of Pediatricians argues against the current trend encouraging gender-confused children to live as the opposite sex. They note that this is a moral and ethical issue. And from a Christian perspective, we seek to live in grace and truth, treatment should focus on helping children embrace their God-given biological reality. GD (Gender Dysphoria) is a problem that resides in the mind, not in the body. Please refer to if you or someone you know need help.


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