Peach Cobbler | Peach Cobbler Recipe

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Peach Cobbler | Peach Cobbler Recipe – Here it is, the long awaited dessert recipe the won the poll, Peach Cobbler. The Peach …

30 replies
  1. Arlivia Lee
    Arlivia Lee says:

    Yours is the best recipe I have seen👍🏽👍🏽✔️ So simple n easy…I sprinkle a little cinnamon, sugar mixture on top with square cubes of butter… But melted butter is fine too

  2. Cindy Dill
    Cindy Dill says:

    I enjoy your channel and your recipes. But sweetie this wasn’t peach cobbler. It’s just peach pie. Where’s the cobbler? Cobbler is like sweet bread balls baked with the peaches 🍑.

  3. Kimrala Owens
    Kimrala Owens says:

    Why you didn't add butter to peaches when you adding sugar and other seasoning that what makes peach pie taste really good. You only put it on top people only want the crust because of the butter taste


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