Pasta & Noodle Maker with Built-in Auto-weighing – Gluten Free Rice Noodles | Philips | HR2357

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Enjoy fresh pasta & noodles in 15 minutes – Automatic mixing kneading and extruding – Philips Pasta & Noodle Maker with Built-in Auto-weighing for added …

18 replies
  1. nguyet hoamg Nguyen
    nguyet hoamg Nguyen says:

    Thank you for replying quickly. No you can not see the grey in the video because you have to get much much closer to the dough, the first dough that come out will have it. You get more of the grey if you use the metal lasagna die. When you clean the interior of the disk you will see the dough get the grey spot like grey mildew but for sure it s not mildew. It is probably the metals that make the turnpike and the disk that release a chemical reaction when they get some friction with the moist dough. I notice that problem with the pasta handmaker and the attachement Kitchen Aid meat grinder. The first few inches of the ground meat get traces of that grey thing when they go through the holes. In Amazon a lot of people talk about that grey oozes but nobody have an answer. If all the metal grinder have that problem then it must be inoffensive, I hope?

  2. nguyet hoamg Nguyen
    nguyet hoamg Nguyen says:

    Hello Philips, I am concerned about the few grey spots on the dough when it first come out of the machine and the dough that sticked in the center of the dics around the end of the axis. I get more of this spot when I use the lasagna metal disc. Do you think by throwing the few grey pieces of it, the dough will be free of lead. Thank you very much for you help.

  3. Jeff Quigley
    Jeff Quigley says:

    For those who are asking, Philips customer service department "strongly suggests you follow the manual and not exceed the recommended ingredient temperature." i.e. don't use boiling water, even though we're telling you to on our youtube page.

  4. Beth Rehrig
    Beth Rehrig says:

    I tried making this last night, followed the directions to a "T" and it was a total failure. The machine stopped with the EEE error message; I was able to turn it off and restart it; the dough remained a mealy mess; the dough would not extrude.

  5. Zeek Flash
    Zeek Flash says:

    Like machine , I’m looking for noodles diameter pasta .. I’m making Thai/Laos white noodles .. chicken noodles soup it’s kinda like fettuccine size , just a bit thicker ?
    Any machine you can recommend

  6. Vinh Binh
    Vinh Binh says:

    In the user manual is written that you don't put ingredients above 60 degrees into pasta maker. I saw in this video that you put hot water into the machine. Is it ok for the machine to put hot ingredients there?


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