PASSOVER Get It All Done!! How I Prepare For Passover Shopping List, Menu Plan, Grocery Haul

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PASSOVER Get It All Done!! Shopping List, Menu Plan, Grocery Haul, Cleaning & Organizing How I Prepare For Passover …

42 replies
  1. Josephine Rago
    Josephine Rago says:

    Loved this. So Calming. I really enjoyed your son being so proud of his accomplishments with his room!!!! When you say hosting, do they sleep over? Do they cook at your home or bring food ready to enjoy at the gathering? So interesting.

  2. swede Swede
    swede Swede says:

    Unfortunately, I can't help you with any baking recipes. I have never been a baking person. Once upon a time I had a recipe for chocolate cake made with black beans. I have lost that recipe. quinoa I make salads and other dishes.

  3. Lee Martin
    Lee Martin says:

    You taught me something valuable today, to help me practice my own faith! We don't eat meat from warm blooded animals on certain days, sticking to fish or dairy, but I never thought about gelatine and what it's made of, or that marshmallows aren't made with gelatine. I am revising my menus according to this information. Thank you so much. You're a blessing.

  4. Sandy Dugenske
    Sandy Dugenske says:

    How long before Passover can u start with the cleaning? The kids did a wonderful job cleaning their room and playroom! What if they play again in their rooms? Do they need to start over or can they just pick things up and their good. When your children are done helping you, you can always send them to my house lol 😆 😂 😜 I'm sure I can find something for them to do!!! If we don't see you before, have a wonderful holiday and may G.od bless you and the family 👪 🙏 ❤ 💙

  5. Odile Gabay Engel
    Odile Gabay Engel says:

    Good luck for the end of prepping ! you are fantastic Sonya. I will be doing your almond cookies and roast this year BH'. I was inspired and finally made it for the cleaning 😉 Wishing you a Pessah Kosher veSameah, Happy Passover to you and your family, with all blessings possible ! (your kids are so cute !)

  6. Rebekah Ogle
    Rebekah Ogle says:

    My youngest child turned 40 last month, and my only grandchild lives on the other side of the country, but, seeing you and your family pitching in together brings such joy to my heart. Sag Pesach kasher vesame'ach, Sonya and family.

  7. Lidia Soares
    Lidia Soares says:

    What a truly Super Woman, Super Wife and a Super Mum, you are Sonya! You're a working lady and still make time to prepare the Delicious Meals for your family and for us to savor with our eyes! And always looking like a supermodel, with a beautiful smile!! May God always bless you and your Family

  8. Eric Whilson
    Eric Whilson says:

    ..Dein Kanal hat mein Leben wirklich verändert. Ich habe eine Weile über Aktienkrypto studiert und recherchiert und bin schließlich in der Lernkurve hängen geblieben. Jetzt kann ich sagen, dass ich mein Verständnis dieser völlig neuen Welt wirklich verbessere und jede Woche große Gewinne mache, alles dank Frau Alessia Noor❤

  9. Pamela Miller
    Pamela Miller says:

    I went into labor with my second daughter on Passover Family Dinner, not a Sedar. I was helping put food on the table and I got such a very strong contraction I went to sit my belly was high, I stood up after dinner and I dropped a lot, Brooke was born 9:30 in the morning!!

  10. Grace Serafano
    Grace Serafano says:

    My Sicilian Sephardic husband and I watch your videos together! He loves your recipes and your adorable children look like so much fun as ours were growing up. Happy Pesach to you and your family.

  11. Yaffa Donath
    Yaffa Donath says:

    Sonya I am a great grandmother bh. Take it from me who hosted many Passover and other holidays with in-laws my kids with large families, bh. You are so super organized that it is hard to believe that you have 5 kids and a full-time job. YOU REALLY AMAZE ME! חג כשר ושמח
    To you and yours. You are a lovely young woman.

  12. Caroline Santos
    Caroline Santos says:

    I love watching all your videos you are truly amazing and using a lot of your recipes. When I was a kid my Aunt use to get her home ready for Passover and taught me how to polish the silver , clean all the crystal and all the plate sets. Watching this video brought back lots of memories sadly my aunt passed away many years ago, my mom is in a nursing home with dementia and my dad passed away 8 months ago so this holiday is a sad one .

  13. Tina lowther
    Tina lowther says:

    Je suis tellement opportun , quelles que soient la crise économique et les conditions financières, que je suis toujours en mesure de gagner 33 500 € de retour sur mes 6 500 € initiaux tous les 10 jours

  14. Tyna Edwards
    Tyna Edwards says:

    Well this was certainly inspiration to pull my kitchen apart and spring clean it. It's the next to the last room I need to do. Love to see the traditions. Reminds me of the teenage boys I lived next door to who were very willing teachers of Jewish traditions.

  15. Barbara Ketchum
    Barbara Ketchum says:

    All of your prepping videos have helped give me so many great ideas to incorporate into my life. I have felt really satisfied and successful taking care of my home in a more thoughtful way!!! 💕 🥰

  16. Ruth Mckenzie
    Ruth Mckenzie says:

    I'm sure when Jesus prepared the passover there was only unleven bread and red wine and a specific kind, did not know you needed a shopping list, Jesus would never burden the people with all this ,

  17. 2redbird1
    2redbird1 says:

    You can keep the carpet. Use hot water to release the glue. If that doesn’t work use isopropyl alcohol. You can also buy the IV release wipes we nurses use when someone has thin skin.


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