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Welcome to my vegan Italian kitchen!!! A place where it’s good for the animals and the planet and your body and soul! FOR BUSINESS CONTACTS …

16 replies
  1. Carine
    Carine says:

    This is nice, it does make life easier to use canned foods, I sometimes buy canned seitan at my local Asian shop but I don’t really find it tasty… looking forward to canning my own 🙂

  2. Thinking Heart
    Thinking Heart says:

    Yay!! Thank you Connie !! I am so excited to learn about canning plant based meats etc.!! This will be so so convenient and life saving. No more thawing or wondering how to fit the extras in the freezer. And if there is an emergency situation with power, water, or just being plain old busy, thanks to you, we can have prepared foods right on the shelf ready to eat. Gosh, you are such a lifesaver and blessing to all of us!! I just love and adore you!!

  3. Wayne 00k
    Wayne 00k says:

    I am looking forward to learning your canning method, Connie.
    I've been afraid to try it myself but this would be a great time saver.
    P.S. I've been spending this long holiday weekend making 4 lbs of spicy pepperoni and 6 lbs of New Jersey pork roll – all vegan of course 🙂

  4. Martha Simons
    Martha Simons says:

    Hello dear Connie, love that you are introducing this to your viewers. I pressure can seitan in a pressure canner. Just a word of caution to those new to canning. Please be very careful with cleanliness. Sterilize your jars, learn the protocols of canning and please don’t reuse canning lids unless you purchase the reusable canning lids. Just because seitan is plant based doesn’t mean it can’t grow pathogens. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer. I want everyone to enjoy their canning products. It is so wonderful to have the good vegan foods we love on hand. Canning seitan helps me save time if I can process a bunch at one time. Can safely and you will benefit from Connie’s beautiful recipes for years.

  5. caela levy
    caela levy says:

    Wow!!! I've been looking for ways to long-term store my plant proteins. The canning group I belong to say I can't but if they can can dead animal I don't see why I can't can plant meats. Looking forward to your instructions!!!

  6. Meagan Bahlke
    Meagan Bahlke says:

    Oh Connie! You never cease to amaze me! I cannot wait for this series. I can every year and have wondered about canning plant based meat. I have been waiting for something like this for years! I could kiss your feet! Also, do you think one could can TVP or soy curls? I have followed you for years. Your channel was the first I came across. When I decided to become vegan. Love you!


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