Pantry Tour | Preserving food for a year

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Thanks for watching 🙂 Krista #pantry #canning #selfsufficiency Olive Garden Soup Video …

20 replies
  1. Jessie Salisbury
    Jessie Salisbury says:

    Hi, You need to board up any windows near your Pantry. Light will cause your canned vegetables to: Oxidation (or in other words turn dark or fade and it will cause them to ruin over time). You may think your food is not going to last that long, but like everyone else they will accumlate. Jessie from Arkansas

  2. Kathy Kenney
    Kathy Kenney says:

    You have a right to feel proud. Your pantry is gorgeous. I love having my pantry full this way. God bless! I am a fellow Kentuckian btw. Im much older than you and remember 3 earthquakes here.

  3. WV Homesteading Nana
    WV Homesteading Nana says:

    I cleaned out my side by side refrigerator today and goodness the amount of stuff I found that I had forgotten about. 😊I’ve gone through the pantries as well. I think hubby and I are pretty set for the winter except for dairy items. We have enough to share with our daughter and her family of 5.

    I just recently started the journey of being a stay at home wife (started the full time journey last year).

  4. Ivy Lillies Homestead
    Ivy Lillies Homestead says:

    You can make beef hash with salsa in it. I make my own sloppy joes with ketchup, dried mustard, Worcestershire sauce, bar b que sauce and salsa.

    Really anything you're gonna use Rotel tomatoes for grab that salsa jar instead.

  5. Jesus lovesme
    Jesus lovesme says:

    Salsa, chicken, black beans, corn in the crock pot till chicken is easily shredded. Shred the chicken add a block of cream cheese and some shredded cheddar. Mix well, heat till melted, serve over chips.

  6. Rhonda Ogles
    Rhonda Ogles says:

    I enjoyed this so much. I need to amp up my pantry. Last I counted was over 600 canned goods. After watching this, my pantry is going to grow. I need ketchup, sweet & sour sauce, on and on… 😂 Thank you, Krista, for taking the time to share❤


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