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Today I am coming at you with another quick and easy but delicious pantry shelf recipe. This recipe is going to take all it’s ingredients from my pantry shelf to …

36 replies
  1. Michelle Alms
    Michelle Alms says:

    I just found you! Noreen you are amazing. I’m binge watching here in chilly Hibbing Minnesota! I’m learning so many hearty meals for this upcoming dreaded winter! I am loving the Pantry series. Keep up good work and Thank You!

  2. Diana
    Diana says:

    When I'm sick, Lipton extra noodle chicken soup in a box is still my go to after all these years! When I saw the thumbnail for this video, I thought – Here we go!!!

  3. sweetstkissez22
    sweetstkissez22 says:

    Your chicken and gravy pantry staples recipe became a quick go to for my house. My kiddos love it and it allows me to rotate my Canned items! We’ve definitely had to stick up. The shortages suck! 😢

  4. amikkwe
    amikkwe says:

    Great to show things like this to the younger generation that are so used to convenience foods. A lot of people have forgotten the art of these simple foods in times of not just lack in stores but maybe even hard financial times, sickness, or other hardships. My parents were children of the Great Depression era, so I learned a lot about not only great country cooking, but also a lot of economical dishes and ways to stretch food or work with what you have just to have something in your stomach and nutrition to boot. Thank you for passing this knowledge on!

  5. E
    E says:

    I love these types of meals during storms and power outages. Not only is it more flexible, it just tastes so much better than a can of soup.

  6. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    Thank you Noreen I am watching these avidly I have cooked for years and cooked out of my pantry for years I'm getting some good ideas from you you do things a little differently than I do which gives me good ideas you know the drill


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