Pantry Meals on a Budget | Frugal Living | #threeriverschallenge 2024

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The long cold days of January have us thinking up warm pantry meals on a budget. Come join us! I would love for you to join my …

21 replies
  1. @theclumsyprepper
    @theclumsyprepper says:

    Those squares you made in U.K. and Ireland would be called a fruit crumble. It's one of my favourite desserts, unlike bacon flavoured donuts – I agree with your husband on that, not a good idea 😊.
    Like you I don't have much time for reading so will listen to an audiobook now and again. At the moment I'm listening to Lord of The Rings again, but I don't use Audible. You can find plenty of free stuff on YouTube. The one I'm listening now is amazing.
    I'm also reading (or trying to when I get the time) The Compete Tightwad Gazette and The Jesus Papers by Michael Baigent. It depends on my mood really.

  2. @TnT-cu6vx
    @TnT-cu6vx says:

    I so love your videos. I also enjoy laundry especially ironing (I know that's not needed much anymore) but I iron anyway lol. Do you have a video/recipe for your fried chicken thighs? They look delicious ❤

  3. @stephencameron1709
    @stephencameron1709 says:

    I love hanging laundry. It smells so good and saves electricity. I’m reading The Ride of Her Life by Elizabeth Letts , a biography of Annie Wilkins of Maine. Very good! The Foccacia bread looks so delicious! Val C

  4. @Olivia-mom25
    @Olivia-mom25 says:

    Everything looks delicious. I love your clothes line! When we build our new house we will not be installing a dishwasher – they have been such a pain (although great for when all the kids were home and small). I love books! Audio while working helps me get in a lot of reading. My favorites are usually the classics and historical fiction.

    I see you have a wood cook stove… we are thinking of installing one instead of just a wood burning stove. How/where do you have it situated in your house?

    Might have to try that focaccia.

    Beautiful video! Thank you for sharing!

  5. @samjones9465
    @samjones9465 says:

    Well done Joe, those doughnuts brought lovely memories of coming home from midnight mass to dad frying doughnuts and making hot chocolate (dutch style) for us to warm up before going to bed. Love pearl onions, I can't get find them here in the UK anymore unfortunately.

  6. @melaniemorris7757
    @melaniemorris7757 says:

    No snow here in NC, but I so enjoy seeing your daily rituals. Spent the day in my kitchen with lots of cooking for the week. I also love to try new recipes! I cooked an Indian chicken dish with lentils today. The kitchen smells fabulous!
    I also make sourdough…will def try the focaccia! Looks delish!

  7. @hippiechickandvintagetom
    @hippiechickandvintagetom says:

    I saw the artwork of Abigail Adams over your fireplace and knew we were kindred spirits. She is my favorite first lady. 🙂 I use my clothesline as well. Fresh dried sheets are the best. We are hip high in snow here in rural Nebraska. I have to dig my way to the coops but worth it.

  8. @villagesteader3552
    @villagesteader3552 says:

    Your roast looked incredible! My husband also cooks, it’s always good because sometimes I just don’t feel like it. As always it’s good to see you again.
    The beginning of the video reminded me how grateful I am because my chickens all molted in the fall, they finally started laying again! They are getting older and I was afraid the were done laying, but happy to say they’re looking gorgeous and doing their part on the homestead!


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