pan pizza dough & snack haul

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making pizza dough and organizing taste test products! B&B affiliate link …

23 replies
  1. Donna M
    Donna M says:

    Side note- I had notifications on for you but last two, nothing. Maybe because I’m in Canada? Or maybe something is wrong. Just reset it- time will tell.
    p.s. lemons are readily available where I live. What you need to know is the lemon you drank is enough lemon. Really, it will be. Always be patient with lemons.

  2. Gabriela Ciocirlan
    Gabriela Ciocirlan says:

    I Believe You Don’t Have A Clue how it’s to live in Communism and have tow kids and a husband to feed on a pice off cardboard 😞so sad , I love You but before You talk,please find out how it’s to live in Real Communism 🥺

  3. Sandra Simpson
    Sandra Simpson says:

    I think you should get a medium .I did. That's how I found out my daughter was sick when I went to her to see how she was doing. That's when she was concerned that she was sick. I told her what the medium told me and he was on the money

  4. Sandra Simpson
    Sandra Simpson says:

    You're doing a great job. I want to send you something it used to be mine sense I was a child I don't have any children alive she went before. So I need your address or P.O.

  5. Celia Waddell
    Celia Waddell says:

    IMO, our ability and willingness to bend seems to be shrinking. I think that is a good thing. And why not be entitled if you have the chance? Bias seems to be pushing you against yourself.


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