Pakistani Chicken – A Lost Recipe

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28 replies
  1. anirudha sharma
    anirudha sharma says:

    आ…… हा.. हा… हा… हा… हा.. हा, ए…..हे…. हे… हे… हे… हे.. हे,, ओ हो,,, हो,,, हो,, हो,, हो क्या बना रही हो,, क्या???….. हैं.???….. ठीक से बोलो.,,,,…. फिर से बोलो….. क्या?? पाकिस्तानी क्या??? अरे? हैं!!!! अच्छा, अच्छा ….. लेकिन आ हा.. हा,,, हा,,,, हा,,,,ही,,,, ही,,, ही,,,😂😂😂हा,, हा,,, हा,,

  2. MaccaFoods Int'l
    MaccaFoods Int'l says:

    Important note ,how come grass eaters vegan 😂 can eat our meat eateries except to delight their heart ❤️ by watching it 😅 or left their dhanadan drum. Which their half population already change to Islam 😅


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