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These adorable slices of tree flesh (RIP) make for fun DIY ornaments projects! I originally went into this project wanting to paint them… but I couldn’t resist sewing …

39 replies
  1. Jasmin Mendoza
    Jasmin Mendoza says:

    You honestly didn’t give clear instructions on how to cut the felt pieces for each ornament, how to cut them, the sizes we should cut them, what if we wanted to try this at home Kasey? Of course, only thinking about yourself and your views.

  2. Paula
    Paula says:

    The Rudolph looking just a little bit too much like the puppets in "carnaval festival, Efteling", I swear they could simply add him in and it would not be noticed

  3. Aurgo
    Aurgo says:

    forget my tree! I'm about to make so many ornaments to hang in my room—– OH MY GOSH

    IM MAKING A MOBIL FOR MY NEFEWS ROOM. (yes i'll make it baby safe. im not silly )

  4. Amanda Ponce Rodrigues
    Amanda Ponce Rodrigues says:

    For some reason I watched the vídeo with no sound or captions, here's my reactions:
    "Classic Kasey, makes a heart then stabs it, blood everywhere… oh, no, wait, it's meant to be paint"

    "Nice teal! Why did she cover The big twister-rounded-windy thing with the ring?"

    big Red nose comes in
    My dumb self: "A… clown? Why????"
    And then: "Ah! Rudolf The RED NOSED reindeer… what's up with me, its christmas ornaments after all…"

    Fluffy green character comes in
    "Alright, christmas, then… The grinch? It's to cute to be The grinch…."
    "Ooooohh its The catctus! Adorable!" Red felt on camera "tell me its a bow, Kasey, tell me… IT IS A BOW! YEAH!"

    "Dark creature… Classic Kasey, will it have cat ears too? Oh, no, nevermind, its that christmas thing I dont know the name…"

    But I Love them all, especially rudolf and the cat cactus


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