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Welcome back friends! Today we share another day in the life with us! We are packing and starting to move and staying so busy! I can’t believe the time is …

27 replies
  1. Tracy D
    Tracy D says:

    That sunrise! Gorgeous! I can't wait to see more of those pretty ones further west! We could see the mountains out there when we were driving to our new house (for our showing last month). I have missed seeing the mountains (we used to live in Fort Lewis, WA when my hubs was in the Army and we were surrounded by several mountain ranges)! I can't wait to see you setting up your new house! We're already packing (25 days till closing..but who's counting right lol)! We have so much stuff I knew we needed to get a head start. We're having a big yard sale next weekend and then donating everything we can't sell (so we don't have to take it with us). I'm trying to do some kind of task towards packing or cleaning stuff out everyday (I know the move will creep up on us so fast if I don't). Glad you have your parents there to help!

  2. LM Noyer
    LM Noyer says:

    I was just thinking it will be nice to see how you set up your new “pantry” when I realized you won’t have much food left to put into it. I’m excited for you and glad that your parents were able to come visit and help you move to your new home.

  3. Ruth
    Ruth says:

    3 years ago , we finally could move to our homestead, after years in a tiny flat. Its a blessing, even we got sooo tired after the moving ( 6hrs hours one way ), but we could see the spring in our homestead, the biggest lake of Norway from our porch, moose, bear,wolf and deers will show up during the summer. Fishing ,bbq,hens,roosters …We love it! Done of stress and traffic…All the best from Norway.

  4. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Although you’re all working so hard, it was a great video to everyone esp your mom and dad. They all set to help and still enjoy the children.
    It’s sure a reality when you see how many boxes you moved over!!
    Amazing! Take care

  5. Joie Lecocke
    Joie Lecocke says:

    Your mom and dad are getting it done… Woo hoo… So glad they are there to help. We all need our parents guidance. It was adorable watching Everleigh and Wilder play ring around the rosie… So cute…
    Oh and Wilder running to turn off the camera… Can't stand it.. too cute


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