Oxtail PHO | INSTANT POT | Spring Rolls | Dads That Cook

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Authentic Vietnamese Pho! This stuff usually takes 4-6 hours to make, but we’ve cut it down to just 30 minutes with the help of the Instant Pot! Delicious …

25 replies
  1. justgivemethetruth
    justgivemethetruth says:

    Where can you get the Asian basil? I love pho, but one thing I love with the pho is the Vietnamese Asian basil … but I don't know what it is, or where to get it, or also where to find seeds to grow it, because it is absolutely wonderful. Much better than Italian basil or other basils. This is the ones with the purple stems I think … mmmmmmmmm!

    My favorite is the pork broth with oxtail I think. They say that is in there. It is so tasty. I could live on my favorite pho and be happy eating only that for the rest of my life … oh, but only if I could also have goi cuon with it too! Vietnamese food, my favorite.

  2. smcjones1978
    smcjones1978 says:

    We have a restaurant named 61Pho; but my all time favorite restaurant in town to order Pho from is MiLi’s, they’re a traditional restaurant that makes amazing Pho and other foods.

  3. Nam Vu
    Nam Vu says:

    That guy really can't help but to boast that both him and his wife are doctors lol
    also, that portion is not enough… feed your guests doctor

  4. Mina Thai
    Mina Thai says:

    Just speaking from experience, you don’t have to blanch the oxtail before cooking. Simply soak it in tap water for 30 mins to let the blood & gunk settle in the water; rinse 3 times, and TA-DA! Perfectly cleaned oxtail without losing flavor. I do, however, have to experiment with the maple syrup. That’s something new I learned today!

  5. mjohnsimon1337
    mjohnsimon1337 says:

    You wouldn't happen to have a recipe for the Pho Ga (Chicken Pho) would you?

    This looks amazing and I'm gonna try it, but my gf prefers chicken. She wouldn't mind but itd be cool to have!

    Either way, amazing video! 😀

  6. cdhall124
    cdhall124 says:

    Everyone does pho differently, but you lost me at the maple syrup. Adding the apple, okay, as some add daikon for sweetness. The broth is way too cloudy to be acceptable in an Asian household.


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