Overcoming Obesity, Addiction, and Illness with Whole Foods | Live Interview with Julie Tomlinson

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27 replies
  1. @davidestes9971
    @davidestes9971 says:

    So many overweight people from the 80's have the same story including me. They would eat a full box of Snackwell cookies because they were fat free and our parents thought this meant they were healthy. Truth be told we were children and shouldn't have been on a diet in the first place. Our metabolism never had a chance.

  2. @suemichaelsen8486
    @suemichaelsen8486 says:

    Thank you both, for genuine honesty. I have serious talent for self sabotage. You inspire me to think better about me, just focus on eating healthy and be kind to me. I'd thought I was failing for still needing bp med. Giving up salt and oil was easy. Sugar has been my concern. I gave it up for nearly two years. Slid back Feb, Mar.
    Back to fighting to let go again
    Best to both of you.0

  3. @sharonknorr1106
    @sharonknorr1106 says:

    I would second the statement that you don't need a high-end blender to cook well. My Nutribullet has served me well for years, especially since we have a smaller household. It has three different sized containers. Some of those blenders are really expensive and for some folks, it seem rather daunting and they may feel they won't be able to cook like this without one and that is a deterrent to getting started.

  4. @tanyas.9688
    @tanyas.9688 says:

    I loved EVERYTHING about this video. Julie and I have so much in common!!! This was exactly what I needed to hear right now, at this point in my journey. Jeremy, I don't think you realize how inspiring these interviews are for those of us still struggling. Seeing and hearing real people overcome these food struggles is incredibly powerful. Thank you for sharing YOUR story, but also sharing the stories of all those you've interviewed. ❤


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