Over the Top Chili | Smoked Texas Chili | Chili Trend | No Beans in this Chili

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ketorecipes #smokedmeats #overthetop Over the Top Chili | Smoked Texas Chili | Chili Trend | No Beans in this Chili We smoke …

23 replies
  1. Jaydawg
    Jaydawg says:

    This sounds amazing. I didn't see the recipe here. Let me know if I missed anything or if this is correct. Wasn't sure if your Traeger was 225°F or 250°F

    Over the Top Chili | Smoked Texas Chili | Chili Trend | No Beans in this Chili

    2 lbs. 80/20 hamburger

    1 lb. hot/spicy pork

    1 bag fajita vegetable blend

    1 can petite diced tomatoes with chilis (28 oz.)

    10 tbsp. Chili seasoning

    3 tbsp. stick butter

    2 jalapeno peppers diced

    5 serrano peppers diced

    1 habenero pepper diced

    handful of grape tomatoes quartered

    Shredded Cheddar Cheese (for topping)

    Sour Cream (if desired)

    Avocado (if desired)

    1. Mix burger & pork together

    2. Add 4 tbsp. Chili seasoning into meat mixture

    3. Form into giant ball and place on grill grate over the dutch oven

    4. Put Fajita vegetable mix inside pot

    5. Add 6 tbsp. chili seasoning into vegetable mix

    6. Add 1/2 stick butter into vegetables

    7. Add in peppers and tomatoes

    8. Add in can of diced tomatoes and chilis

    9. Add additional chili seasoning to like.

    10. Cook on 225°F on smoker/grill until meat getsto 140°F internal

    11. Remove giant meatball and shred and add back into chili pot.

    11. Cook for another hour

    12. Remove and enjoy.


    6-8 quart Dutch Oven

    1 square grill grate over pot

  2. Hugh Jass Meat
    Hugh Jass Meat says:

    I remember my dad used to use a brown bag 5 alarm chili mix and he added kidney beans and served over macaroni. He would get so aggravated cuz I’d pick out the beans and skip the Mac & he’d say “you can’t eat just meat!” Well look at me now dad!!! Says the one who had a massive heart attack! (Sorry not sorry)

  3. Hugh Jass Meat
    Hugh Jass Meat says:

    Two songs that came to my noggin at the start of this video as heath was stumbling on what he wanted to say lol:
    “On top of spaghetti, all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed” and “over the river and through the woods”….🤪

  4. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    I would call that raising the dead chili, lol. It reminds me of an old boss who claimed he could eat any spice and not be affected. The guys in the office had a chili cookoff with habaneros and ghost chili. It made my eyes water and I wasn't even near it. Scott ate it with enjoyment. Nick was close behind but he had tears running down his face. The rest of the guys wouldn't even try it. I was laughing so hard. Enjoy your chili!

  5. Melissa K
    Melissa K says:

    I love chili, especially now that it is getting cold at night. (My dad was always adamant, real chili does not have beans). I tend to like spicy chili, my dad and I would compete as to who could eat it spicier…I do not like sour cream and he put that on his so I argued that I always won by default. Unfortunately, my sister says she has PTSD from it as the rest of my family does not really like spicy food so it got to the point where they were eating bowls of sour cream with a dollop of chili. I make my chili with ground beef and stewing beef or whatever cheap cuts of beef are on sale because I let it simmer for a long time until they are tender and you really get all the spices. It is really beefy and really good .

  6. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    No video (or Friday Night Feast) is complete without Heath & his gloves!! 😀 I’m one of them who likes to kid you about it, but I admit I’d be gloved up, too, if I was making that monster ball of meat you were making for this chili! 😳😜

  7. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    You know I had to nearly stroke out at the amount of spices you added! 🤣 But I know you both love love all that heat 🔥 and I’m just a baby over here, using your tender Texas spice. Maybe some day I’ll graduate to “adult” spices. Lol

  8. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    This chili looks so good! I don’t have a smoker, but I’ve got an instant pot, so this is a good reminder to make your chili! (I promise not to add any beans! 😝)

  9. 22qcat
    22qcat says:

    If you think beans in chili is totally “against the law,” (and I agree😜) you should see what lots of people do up this way. (Indiana) They add macaroni, too! 😱 You would just die over that in Texas! Lol

  10. Hayley Andfam
    Hayley Andfam says:

    I still want one of those fancy fridges lol. Mine is a basic fridge with the freezer at the top. I want a fridge with a water dispenser/ice maker built in. Maybe someday I will get one but they are ridiculously expensive.


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