Our Top Tips for Buying and Storing Spices

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Ingredient expert Jack Bishop tells you everything you need to know about buying and storing spices. Learn more about our …

38 replies
  1. T&L's Nana
    T&L's Nana says:

    I lost my sense of smell last year. I love cooking and don’t know when I’ll be able to smell spices again. I threw away a new bottle of Italian seasoning because it didn’t have any smell. (My friend got it out of trash and passed it around so everyone could see it was fine.) for now, I’ll go by the date.

  2. Me Hughes
    Me Hughes says:

    and been unable to tip out as the entirety has moved as a block within the "Plastic" … Egads!!
    Popped out quick and bought a new "Bottle" of fresh for my sweet Nana …none the wiser- phew!

  3. JLT1003
    JLT1003 says:

    Great advice (as always from ATK). I'm wondering if there is another alternative to the plastic-lidded spice grinder like the Krups that you show in the video. If you're grinding anything hard, these things add some of the plastic your grinds. I don't worry about that for coffee because with a filter or even a press, little if any of it ends up in my cup. But with spices it goes right into the food. A morter and pestle is ideal but just too tedious for weeknight meal prep. Any ideas?

  4. Ya boy J
    Ya boy J says:

    Can you do a video on the difference between all the different chili sauces because theres a lot of them on the market and it’s hard to tell the difference between Thai sweet chili homemade style chili sauce Hines has they’re own sauce brand chili sauce and a million more I would love some help with this! Love y’all’s videos!

  5. Randy Webster
    Randy Webster says:

    I always find your videos to be fun and interesting even if they are covering a subject I thought I knew a lot about. This is one of those. I would be very interested in one covering how long foods stay viable in the freezer, always a concern for me. Keep on making videos and I for one will be watching them. Thank you ——

  6. Lauren Bradbury
    Lauren Bradbury says:

    Here's a tip, especially for herbs: Miron Violetglass jars block a lot of the wavelengths of light that will degrade your herbs and make a noticeable difference in their longer term freshness. They are sold under different brand names in the US. Infinity Jar is one brand and they're available on Amazon and on their own website. Diligent web searches for 'Miron' may help you find a good deal on them under whatever brand as they are somewhat expensive. Bonus tip: I also vacuum seal my herbs and spices in Mason jars for long-term storage when I don't have enough Infinity jars.


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