Our FAVORITE Anti-Inflammatory Diet MEALS!

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24 replies
  1. LB
    LB says:

    Are you able to have palmini noodles? They are hearts of palms, and it seems to be a bit thicker to me than zucchini noodles. Give it a try!

  2. The Raven's Nest
    The Raven's Nest says:

    This got me in such a mood to meal plan! I haven't wanted to meal plan or even think about food since I got pregnant (nausea etc.), but this video really gave me some energy and motivation in that department. Thank you!

  3. Erin Soper
    Erin Soper says:

    I certainly hope Ellie had the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER, and I honestly can not wait to see you feel so much better infact since your both doing it together it's going to be so much better, I mean I already see t the happiness and light all ready, I live in Utah County I have very similar things like you and I have an appointment with the same place I can't wait to see what they can do to help me. CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST OF LUCK.


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