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Welcome back everyone! Today we are sharing a day at home with us! #largefamilylove #dayinthelife #homemaking **BUSINESS …

41 replies
  1. Lazy Creek Homestead
    Lazy Creek Homestead says:

    everyone did such a great job I cannot believe how much money was saved I think doing some type of Challenge and january-february would be absolutely awesome. and the new additions to the family are absolutely adorable

  2. Nancy Farkas
    Nancy Farkas says:

    I have a quote in a frame that says a house is not a home without paw prints. I have two cats. My friends mom had a kitten that also just appeared. I offered to take it as I love cats but unfortunately my other two were not impressed so they took it back

  3. Jasmin Huerta
    Jasmin Huerta says:

    We own a bunny too and hes the sweetest boy. We found him under my mother in laws back shed and tried finding its home for 2 weeks with no luck. We believe he was both indoor and outdoor since hes super clean but we keep him inside. Just be careful with wires and remote controls because they will chew them right up.

  4. Cheryl Pritchard
    Cheryl Pritchard says:

    Hi Tiffany wow I never thought the total would be that much well done everyone I think February would be a great time as other subs have said frugal February its so lovely you took in those beautiful kittens and I love Ashlyns bunny's super cute god bless 🎄🎄🎄🎄❤️

  5. Anna Fyfe
    Anna Fyfe says:

    Bunny's 🐰 are super hard to keep alive… Lots of animals eat Bunny's and make sure they have a safe cage, they dig holes fast, and have a den for them to keep them warm, and I suggest a red heat lap for them in the winter… Yes I have raised and bread Bunny's for a very long time over 20 years. Im not a big fan of pet Bunny's living outside, soooooo many things can go wrong… Another problem is fleas and ticks… You should check everyday for them… Make sure they have wood to chew on, or their teeth can grow into their skulls… Also groom (brush) them a few times a week. I use a soft cat brush on mine… Make sure they eat lots of timothy hay, and I like to give mine fresh fruit and veggies as well for a good healthy bunny!!! Keep in mind that bunnies scar easy and are prone to heart attacks… Handle them as much as you can (helps them not to be so skidish… Well there is a ton of advice you didn't ask for!!! lol 😆 lol 😆 lol 😆 Good luck and I hope you guys have years of fun and love 💘 with your Bunny's 🐰🐇🐰🐇🐰🐇 ok one more thing, seeing how they will be outside pets i highly recommend A rabies shot… Keep Bunny's and kid'o safe!!! If you have any questions feel free to pick my brain!!! Lol!!!

  6. Maggie Platt
    Maggie Platt says:

    You are such an inspiration! I just had my 5th baby and I'm struggling to find my balance again. I'm watching your videos and reminding myself it's all temporary, and if you can make it work than I can too. Thank you for sharing your life with us!!

  7. Wendy Frye
    Wendy Frye says:

    January is a good month. Everyone is hungover from spending for the holidays…..taxes are coming in April….and food sales are in place for the holidays. Might be a good time to win this thing.

  8. Caron Small
    Caron Small says:

    Oh my goodness, Tiffany, that's a fantastic total for the Eat at Home challenge!! 😂 I wonder if the total could get to $20,000!! The kittens are so cute but please could you tell us which kitten has which name? I just like to know these things! I spotted that you had 'It's the most wonderful time of the year' playing. The choir that I sing with in real life is hopefully doing a concert on 5 December (it's our first concert for 2 years as the last 3 got cancelled due to the pandemic and restrictions in the UK) and that's one of the songs we're singing! All proceeds go to our local hospice so there are 400 tickets to be sold in about 3 weeks 🥴. Hope Everleigh and Ashlynn are feeling better – I expect the arrival of 2 cute bunnies has cheered Ash up!! Hope you have a good upcoming week and take care. 🧡

  9. crystal Boudreau
    crystal Boudreau says:

    Guess is $17,500 for everyone is my guess .. Next I would say January or Febuary. Our personal saving was $1800 , $1600 of it went towards our fire wood for next year sinking fund the rest I put towards this months groceries for a little stock up

  10. stacey smith
    stacey smith says:

    I would love to do another challenge in February. October was hard for us to go without eating out. 2 birthdays and out of town Dr. Appts for our daughter had us eating out more than normal. We are in Central New York and it is freezing here already. I have zero desire to leave the house so lots of home cooking is going to go down for the next few months. Bring on all the comfort food 😂

  11. Itsmetlj
    Itsmetlj says:

    I was unable to participate for October, but I am full on down for doing a January or February challenge! Those are my toughest months because my husband is out of work dec-april. Bring it on!

  12. Jamie Wilhelm
    Jamie Wilhelm says:

    I don't know if it's saving when I'd use the money for household stuff or more groceries to keep stocked up instead of eating out so I didn't give a total nah sure it still applies when the money was spent still just in a different way

  13. Angelaml222
    Angelaml222 says:

    I think January might be a good month. Use up holiday leftovers. December might be hard because of Christmas and February is hard for us because of Valentine’s Day. I will join in nx time!

  14. Angela Fleming
    Angela Fleming says:

    I think we saved $8,500 as a group for the month of October. I think we should do the next one in January because everyone will be broke from Christmas and will need to save some money to make up for what I spent in December. That is an amazing amount of money that everyone saved.

  15. Gavriel Vansickle
    Gavriel Vansickle says:

    I used to spend so much money on cartons/cans of broth. Now I buy the jars of Knorr beef and chicken powdered bouillon. The label is in Spanish, I find them at Walmart in like the bulk section with the big pickles and jugs of ranch. They cost about $5 a jar and I haven’t went back. Just a thought bc I used to buy the cartons by the case. Those beef tips look delish, haven’t made those in forever. We had a bunny growing up, he was such a feisty thing, named Thumper. My grandparents had a stray black kitten show up a few months ago, and we took him in. My son named him Binx bc he loves Hocus Pocus. He’s been a great addition to our family. Next will be a dog to grow up with my son. Hope you have a great week!

  16. Annie Lumm
    Annie Lumm says:

    Ashlynn is gonna be a awesome bunny mom,I just know it!!!! 4 cats mean the mice gonna hate your house 🤣🤣 I love the M&M creamer, I've never seen the sugar cookie creamer, mocha is alright but lots of times I'll pick up French vanilla if there is no M&M!! We did our out to eat last night and are doing burgers n fries tonight and porkchops in the crockpot tomorrow.

  17. H LeMier
    H LeMier says:

    Good Sunday afternoon! I've been cleaning house today and watching your video but had to pause a bunch to take care of my daughter. She's slowly healing. Awesome everyone on saving for the challenge!!! I probably saved about 200 bucks. Sweet lil tur babies enjoy them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful family!❤❤❤

  18. Christine Delchiaro
    Christine Delchiaro says:

    I love how you love your animals, I too am a big softy when it comes to those four legged babies, we have four dogs, two guinea pigs, two indoor cats an feed about six wild cats outside, oh the money I spend 😉 ..I love the names Gary chose for the kittens!! 😁


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