Our 10 Favorite Things from Overland Expo PNW 2023!

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There was A LOT to see at Overland Expo PNW in Bend Oregon this year! In case you weren’t able to make it, Christine and I …

18 replies
  1. K B
    K B says:

    We saw the Gazelle tents at OverlandPNW. Never seen them before, but wife & I were thoroughly impressed! We just got a new tent @ the Sportsmans Show, and I was admittedly bummed we didnt need a new tent…
    Dude had great prices, too! Orange one was like $260. (Keep in mind, peeps, these were show prices)

  2. MaxD Expeditions
    MaxD Expeditions says:

    I'll max out all my cards if I ever go to one, lol. I love the Defiance multi-tool. Their coffee maker French press not too much. The Agawa saw is one of my favorite. I still got the original blade, now rusty but still sharp! Hopefully, you'll love the T3!

  3. Scott Alpine
    Scott Alpine says:

    I have the Agawa saw and it is great. I also have the Sven saw which is another great saw but the Agawa sets up faster. If you get one get the 24”. Looking forward to seeing your Gazelle in action they are great tents.

  4. Jottoh12
    Jottoh12 says:

    Just found your channel yet find this type of content shallow and trite no matter how likeable and polished the presenters. I wish you the best but must move along now. Have a great Summer and Fall.

  5. Wending Our Way
    Wending Our Way says:

    What an absolutely amazing expo! Love it! Might need to have a bit of cash in my pockets…or maybe none at all as I think I'd have shoppers remorse pretty quickly. lol Yup, if the mosquito repellent works it is needed in Nova Scotia for sure! I bet it took some time to take it down to you 10 favorites. Excellent stuff! Bruce and Otis


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