ONLY 3 Ingredients | NO BAKE Oatmeal Bars

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No bake peanut butter oatmeal bars are a little bit sweet and a little bit savory. A quick and easy homemade treat that you can make from pantry staples.

20 replies
  1. Zarah-Anne Wajee
    Zarah-Anne Wajee says:

    Love looking at oats recipes
    In my country a 750 ml bottle of honey is 28usd more than a day wageswhivh is 20USD
    A 500 ml jar of peanut butter is 3USD

    I have to look for cheaper recipes that uses sugar or bananas and coconut oil

  2. Paulina Colada
    Paulina Colada says:

    I do something similar to this but I blend the oats until they're as fine as my old blender will get them. Add in some protein powder, peanut butter, honey and sometimes (always) some chocolate chips.

  3. Zyanid Warfare
    Zyanid Warfare says:

    What else could be used in place of the peanut butter?
    Also looking at this couldn’t other things be added too, like dried fruits or nuts even
    I think dehydrated bananas would go pretty good in it crushed up some

  4. Lintang Maharani
    Lintang Maharani says:

    Hi, I was looking for no-bake oat bar recipe and foubd this video. So I tried to re-make with oat flakes, added cashew and choco cips. The taste was good. I never expected that homemade oat bar can be that delicous. Thank you.💖

  5. Julia Guenter
    Julia Guenter says:

    My 11 year made these today and her comment was "It tastes delicious and is easy to travel with." I (mom) love how nutritious, filling, easy and how cost effective they are to make. Thanks for this recipe

  6. nick maidment
    nick maidment says:

    For information, I have provided this: 1 cup (240 g) peanut butter 100% natural = 1,416 calories. 3/4 cup (255 g) honey = 768 calories. 3 cups (270 g) old fashioned oats = 930 calories. Total Calories: 3,114. 16 servings = 194 calories per serving.


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