One small step for Chickens… One giant leap for Squatternush Farm // Vlog

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Yes, the title shows our farm name reveal! **Squatternush Farm** I’ll explain the story behind it in an upcoming video I wrote a cookbook! It’s called the Healthy …

15 replies
  1. Salina Martin
    Salina Martin says:

    I am so happy for you all! I only have 3 chickens but its just me and hubby. I started with 1 tiny baby chicken which we found alone in a parking lot! I hand raised her and she is my little "lap dog", lol. But if I lived with more than an acre of land I would have many! During covid I had been shut in completely and my C-Bird AKA Chicky Baby really saved me and hubby! She made us laugh every day all day long! She just loves us and we love her. Btw she is a Rhode island red and lays most weeks 6 eggs! Large beautiful brown eggs!

  2. waterstreeter
    waterstreeter says:

    You now have a cat! I agree with Tray-B wondering how Po will react to the new animal companions! Goats can sound like people sometimes and they do have fainting goats but I don't know if you want to get those! Love the video! I hope that you all have many many decades of great family life on the farm!!! Take care, all!

  3. TRAY- B
    TRAY- B says:

    That was a nice, calm chicken – the speckled feathered one. I wonder what Po will think of all these new animals sharing his outdoor space?🐶 Goats later for Goat Yoga?😄


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