ONE POT SOUP RECIPES 🍲Japanese mom makes all the time! Western × Japanese healthy fusion

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One pot soup recipes is always on our table especially in a winter time. These soup recipes are not classic Japanese soup …

25 replies
  1. Jim Deane
    Jim Deane says:

    Hi Miss.

    I really love all your traditional Japanese recipes. But the ones that I am looking forward to the most are the Vegan ones.

    Since you asked, I for one, would greatly appreciate more Vegan recipes. By the way, I love your knife work and care with the vegetables. I have been following another Japanese home chef who does many Vegan recipes and actually demonstrates setting up a traditional Japanese table and the correct order of eating. It’s great!

    The main difference between his work and yours is that he seems to emphasize the importance of different types of cuts for each vegetable. Always interesting trimming and final shapes with little to no waste and generally using the entire vegetable. It shows great respect for what nature has provided and makes the final presentation truly beautiful to the eye as well as the palate.

    Thank you so much for all your effort and beautiful meals.

    Only blessings…

  2. Kyle Lundgren
    Kyle Lundgren says:

    I only discovered your channel about a week ago, and I just can't think of a reason why more people have not discovered your channel. I would love to see your meal plan service. Love from the 🇺🇲

  3. Vikki Farra
    Vikki Farra says:

    These soups look amazing and I can't wait to try the broccoli miso soup! I love that it is vegan as I have a few vegan friends and I think they will love this soup! I will be giving the lentil soup a try as soon as I restock my lentils. And the weather here is supposed to get a bit colder this weekend both of these soups would be great to bring to work for lunch, or have them ready to be reheated for when I get home. Yup, I'm going to make these for this weekend! I am loving all the recipes! I enjoy your style of cooking and the way you incorporate traditional Japanese foods with non-traditional foods and make something that is easy and quick to prepare but also SO MUCH MORE healthy than getting take out or some frozen dinner! I have found ways to use ingreidients like daikon or miso that I wouldn't have thought of and have used those ingreidients in other random dishes and the dish worked! LOL

  4. Monica Petras
    Monica Petras says:

    Thanks 😊 for the recipes! They look so good. I can’t wait to try that broccoli soup and maybe a variation of the lentil soup because I went vegetarian last year. You found nutritional yeast in the supermarket in Japan huh I guess I’ll need to look harder then.

  5. Antara Basu Pandey
    Antara Basu Pandey says:

    Hi, I love your recipes. The lentil used in the first recipe are black lentils. We call it Masoor Daal. This variety of Lentil needs soaking at least for 20 minutes.It is also healthier that way. After soaking it we steam it in a pressure cooker for up to 4 whistles. If you are using a pan , I would suggest you soak it for a longer time,so that it cooks fast. As long as 6 hours of you have the time. 🙂

  6. Jesus Saves Us 2
    Jesus Saves Us 2 says:

    John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

    This life isn't all there is, heaven and hell are very real but Jesus Christ loves you more than you will ever know and can save you. If you want to know that God is real and have eternal life, then just start seeking him with all your heart with prayer and repentance. If you will ask Jesus Christ with a genuine heart to please forgive all your sins, and come into your heart and please save you, he will save you and you will soon know how real he is. God bless.

  7. Júlía Þóra Oddsdóttir
    Júlía Þóra Oddsdóttir says:

    Hi Miwa. I would love to try your meal plans! I bought your vegan cookbook and it's absolutely fantastic, I am so thankful for all the vegan recipes you share because it's not always easy to find a plant-based option for Japanese dishes. I wonder if you would provide a vegan option for the meal plan? 😊

  8. Olga Benavidez
    Olga Benavidez says:

    I will make these for sure but I am with this one person and I'm always willing to try new stuff don't know maybe Chinese food I'm willing to try it all hahaha thanks darling for sharing it's amazing but I'm always short hand on utensils get it 😰🤔🤔😅😅

  9. Karilyn Greenwood
    Karilyn Greenwood says:

    Yes very interested in thr menu planning subscription you mentioned. I always find it challenging to find all the different recipes that I would need to put a complete meal or even bento box together. I’m hafu Japanese/American. my mother is 94 years old from Hokkaido but living USA last 60 yrs. I love trying to make her food she will always crave the taste for!

  10. Aidioop
    Aidioop says:

    Hi Miwa, I love the meal plan idea! As a mom of a 2 years old and a 4 months old, I am always at lost of what to cook and end up cooking the same dishes over and over again. Having a fresh and healthy new ideas will be a great help for me. Thank you in advance!

    Ps. All of your food looks amazing!!!


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