One Pot Instant Pot Recipe (BEGINNERS)- Rajma (Kidney Beans in gravy) Vegan Option Below

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This was my very first time using the Instant Pot. Share any tips you have about using it with me in the comments below! Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to like, …

21 replies
  1. Susan R.
    Susan R. says:

    I am new to Indian cooking but love the fragrance and taste of the various spices in dishes. I just bought an Instant Pot and plan on trying this recipes. IF I use canned beans though, how much less water would I add and what would be the cooking time?

  2. D Mather
    D Mather says:

    I love rajma so much! We do an Indian buffet as our Christmas Eve tradition, and I want to add this.
    I’d like to see a vegan version of Saag Paneer using maybe tofu in place of paneer. I miss paneer, as it’s so tasty!

  3. Toronto Ontario
    Toronto Ontario says:

    Would you be able to post a chicken curry recipe? I will be making this Rajma soon and will come back to comment once I have, I'm excited to make this dish 🙂 Thanks for posting the video and providing detailed recipe in your comments

  4. jerry hartman
    jerry hartman says:

    We absolutely LOOOOOVE our Instant Pot.>>> We got it on Prime day and have used it every day since. Like most people, we fell into a rut of making the same meals over and over. The Instant Pot has opened up a whole new world for us. We are still discovering new recipes and having a lot of fun. If you are considering one of these, don't hesitate. I HIGHLY recommend it.


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