One Pot Full English Breakfast

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music by MusMus..

40 replies
  1. socio sanch
    socio sanch says:

    I remember watching this other video of a British chef guy cooking this, and stated something like "we British only live to about 25, but we eat good" something like that.

  2. Paladin_BR
    Paladin_BR says:

    So this is an English thing? On the farm we'd wake up, grab some coffee and toast, and do morning chores. Then eat a breakfast similar to this about 8 am. Into the fields until about 1pm. Soup and sandwich for lunch, and stay inside during the heat of the midafternoon shelling peas or snapping green beans.

    Then back to the fields about 3pm until about 7pm. Dinner of stewed greens, a little meat, and cornbread. Then more shelling peas until shower and bed time.


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