One Pot Braised Chicken with Beans and Chile Verde | Kenji's Cooking Show

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25 replies
  1. Thekiddocook
    Thekiddocook says:

    What can i use instead of tomatillo. I live in thailand and we dont have tomatillo available here, like not even in those gourmet supermarkets where u get imported expensive stuffs like wagyu, caviar and oysters.

  2. James Post
    James Post says:

    So I made this tonight with a few mods based on what we had in the Cupboard – one of the greatest things I have ever tasted thanks so much Kenji ! I subbed in some black garlic spread because I forgot to get garlic – added some red green and yellow mini bell peppers, I only used one jalapeño because the ones we bought I thought were a little too hot. No beans instead severs over TexMati rice

  3. SirSponge941
    SirSponge941 says:

    i added fish sauce to a vegetable soup i made yesterday, because it just felt right and, yeah kenji's right. fish sauce rules in soups/stews etc (i added bonito flake too cuz i wanted a little fishy kick because there wasnt any meat or stock involved. turned out real good)

  4. Nikki Marucut
    Nikki Marucut says:

    @J. Kenji López-Alt This is wonderful! In the future, would you consider doing a series of videos that focuses on kid-friendly recipes? I'm a former cook, but have a hard time getting the kiddos to eat what I make because they are exceptionally picky!

  5. David Prime
    David Prime says:

    Yo Kenji, I saw the baby bouncer out to the side of frame by your oven. We have the same one, does your baby lean forward and try to eat the weird cookie-with-eyes, too?

  6. Patricia Merrill- Siefken
    Patricia Merrill- Siefken says:

    I’m wondering about bay I’ve been fermenting and using bay to help with keeping vegetables crunchy . I started wondering if you put bay leafs in with your beans to roast in clay bean pot will it make skins tough ? What’s the science J.Kenji Lopez-Alt ?

  7. David Wallace, Jr.
    David Wallace, Jr. says:

    J. Kenji, congrats on the GQ writeup! From someone who cooks COMPLETELY by feeling, your researched-based methods have still helped me more than I ever would have thought they would. You do the hard work so that even with just a couple of modifications cooks like me can make so much better food in the kitchen without having to spend lots of time researching and deducting.

  8. Josh Rosenthal
    Josh Rosenthal says:

    Kenji, how would you modify this recipe to work with (gulp) boneless skinless chicken thighs?

    My wife has longstanding hangups about 1) meat on the bone, 2) chicken skin, but I would like to cook this delicious-looking recipe for her.

    As an aside, I stayed up way too late reading my copy of The Wok last night. Can't wait to rock out with my wok out.

  9. Mark Fanslow
    Mark Fanslow says:

    I used canned northern beans and the consistency really ruined the dish. Also, I want to parrot Kenji and remind anyone who reads this to purchase the LARGEST chicken leg quarter you can find or use more than 4. Next time I will likely try starting from dried beans.

  10. Manny Perez
    Manny Perez says:

    Made it. Smells great. So exhausted after work and mise-en-place-ing everything, I think I want to go to bed early instead. Wife will report outcome after she gets home. No tasting in the afternoon sun for me…

  11. Eric Kuha
    Eric Kuha says:

    My daughter is allergic to legumes, so I'm going to be doing this tonight with hominy instead of beans and I'm kind of looking forward to seeing how it turns out.


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