One Pan Roasted Chicken and Potatoes Recipe

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This one pan roasted chicken and potatoes recipe is so easy to make. Perfect for midweek lunch or dinner. After trying this recipe once, you won’t want to try …

32 replies
  1. Donald Edward
    Donald Edward says:

    Very good. I always look at the recipe first to see if there is something hard to get. I clicked on ''Printable recipe'' and didn't get it. I almosy gave up because that is often a sneaky way of getting one to see something e;se such as an ad. Then I noticed you had the recipe and directions lower down. I printed that and watched the video.I am hooked. Good, healthy delicious family dish.

  2. aslam khan
    aslam khan says:

    My ingredients are; italian seasoning mix, lemon salt pepper black and red.thats all patatos . Origami thyme pepper salt marinade over night chicken fresh patatos bake it 180 c for 30 mins ok

  3. Kuku sky
    Kuku sky says:

    I'm drooling after watching your video. I would have given a hundred likes if I can do it❤️❤️❤️ I wonder what kind of ungrateful humans are giving dislikes in this beautiful video.


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