One Month of Dinners for Large Family of 7 | Batch Cook with Me

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In this video, I show you how I cook one month of dinners in one day! These freezer meals are healthy, easy, and delicious!

43 replies
  1. Eva Norvell
    Eva Norvell says:

    Wow! I never had that much time (or motivation 😅) when my kids were little! You can substitute oatmeal for the bread crumbs in the meatloaf for a little more nutrition. BTW–I hope you found that leak in the chicken chili bag before you put it in the freezer!!

  2. Ashley Estrada
    Ashley Estrada says:

    wow such great recipes 😋 now that I'm so busy with my kids and sports this will really help me because we've not only been spending so much money eating out. it isn't as healthy as cooking our own meals. thanks I'm going to try this. your meals are so simple yet make so many different recipes.

  3. J John
    J John says:

    Where is your red dutch oven from? Always love your videos. You've helped transform our home for the better — better health, and better attitudes , especially for our kiddos.
    Recently switched to cast iron pans but having trouble finding good pots. Thanks ! Happy new year!

  4. Inbar K
    Inbar K says:

    I made the lasagna and it was the most delicious and easy to prepare ever!
    From the remaining ground meat I made chili😋
    Thanks Laura and Happy Holidays to you and your family💐

  5. Savanna Conrad
    Savanna Conrad says:

    Oh I enjoyed these ideas so much! Monthly freezer meals have helped me out greatly and I’m like you, I like to just think of several things we like and take a whole day to get a lot done. Everything looked delicious and I’ll be trying some on my next freezer meal prep 😊

  6. Kecia Starks
    Kecia Starks says:

    This was fabulous….such a great idea and recipes! I'm curious as to what was the sauce in the squeeze bottle that you put on the burritos? Let us know in future videos how this worked for you and hopefully you'll show us you making some of these.

  7. Marcie Fort
    Marcie Fort says:

    AWESOME video, Laura!!! I loved how you chose every day, simple yet delicious recipes for your freezer meals! You gave me some great ideas. Looks like you are stocked for quite a few weeks! This would be a great idea to do for a postpartum mama!

  8. Cheryl Zink
    Cheryl Zink says:

    Thank you so much for showing us how to cook up these new delicious meal ideas! We're empty nesters so I'll fix some smaller batches! Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

  9. Cindy Clark
    Cindy Clark says:

    I found this to be very interesting. I wish I could afford to have that much food on hand to make all of these wonderful dishes. I'm a widow in my seventies and I find it somewhat difficult to plan that far ahead. Frankly there are days when I don't even know what I'm hungry for. I admire how organized you are and how you devote a whole day to prep cooking. You remind me of Lisa of Farm House on Boone. You girls wouldn't be sisters by any chance? I absolutely love her and look forward to her videos! Thank you for sharing this with us and blessings for a grace filled new year. 🙏

  10. Molly
    Molly says:

    Wow! I’m so impressed and inspired!! I really like this approach to cooking as a busy mother and trying to wrap my head around how to do this myself. Thank you!


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