One Bowl Flourless Chocolate Cake | Preppy Kitchen

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Dark, rich, and fudgy Flourless Chocolate Cake! This cake is the ultimate way to get your chocolate fix and because it’s made …

20 replies
  1. Tahira Ahmed
    Tahira Ahmed says:

    I have an OCD of clearing the batter from the bowl to baking pan with a spatula until the bowl is squeaky clean😅😅 I won't waste even a drop of that lovely chocolate batter 😊

  2. Nunya Business
    Nunya Business says:

    Mine didnt turn out that good.
    -it was very bitter without much sweetness at all—> I did use really bitter chocolate
    -Kinda dry—> coconut sugar cooks quicker—> i took it out a few minutes late.
    So how I am thinking about approaching these issues is adding more coconut sugar or honey (prob honey) and even adding some cream cheese to give it more of a cheesecake texture (we had something similar at a restaurant—-> spiked my motivation to bake it at home😂)


  3. mellowenglishgal
    mellowenglishgal says:

    Made this and after my first bite I knew it would be a lifelong favourite. I took it to my parents’ and we had it with sharp summer berries and lightly whipped double cream. Very decadent and so easy to make!

  4. Paul Brooks
    Paul Brooks says:

    John – help! I love your receipes but this one just won't work. Comes out dry and cakey…also the top and bottom of the cake end up wider than the middle, like maybe it collapsed??


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