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January 30th 2022 Vlog! Merch: Check out my Cameo profile: …

41 replies
  1. Amy Bryant
    Amy Bryant says:

    A couple of days ago my dad went to Costco and when he got there they were having senior citizen shopping hour. The minimum age to shop was 60. My dad was so excited that he did not have to wait to shop. πŸ’™

  2. Tia K
    Tia K says:

    Omg one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people don't pull over for emergency vehicles. I've always said "where ever they're going is way more important than where ever you're going!" Pull over!!!! Thank you for pulling over Peter. Those people would be thinking differently if it was one of their family members the vehicles were for.

  3. Shaelyn Luketich
    Shaelyn Luketich says:

    My husband is the opposite. He used to like flavored coffee now he just likes black, dark roast coffee. I was the mom when my daughter played softball, to always have extra hair ties, bobby pins, Gatorade, water, snacks….

  4. Tori Sweat
    Tori Sweat says:

    I have to say you’ve done good for yourself. I was listening to a previous blog maybe a couple years older where you were talking about Creed but that you couldn’t afford it, now look at you!!

  5. Emma Newton
    Emma Newton says:

    I think shorter vlogs on weekends would be good! I wind down my night catching up on your videos πŸ’– it's also so crazy when I hear you talk about where your going in Fishers because my best friend lives by top golf and I'm over there a lot. Small world!:)

  6. Tori Sweat
    Tori Sweat says:

    I listen to your clogs every day every time I get a chance, I like to listen to them any time through out the day, so the longer the better. If I have to turn it off mid vlog I just pick up where I left off

  7. Marianne Andreano
    Marianne Andreano says:

    OMG Peter…I was laughing so much as you were talking about your Mom at the movies and her Senior Discount and munching on her popcorn in the theater. My Mother who was very proper had a t-shirt that said "I'm a Senior citizen ,where's my damn discount?" Talk about embarrassing…. We pretend ed that we didn't know her….

  8. Kelly O'Connor
    Kelly O'Connor says:

    Hi Peter, I want snow ❄ too! It makes my soul sore. I am in New Jersey. Our snow is still around, fading fast and we just had the storm Friday late into Saturday afternoon. Snow lovers untie! πŸ™†β€β™€οΈπŸ’™πŸ’™β„.
    Peter, I love that you and your Mom both bought eachother Michael Korres Scents for Christmas. That's beautiful. Your Mom picked your signature scent. I already know she really knew you. There is something so beautiful about that. She was such a special lady. Thank you for sharing her with us. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  9. Adriana XCX
    Adriana XCX says:

    At 34:10

    Peter was talking about his friend that always has random snacks in her bag..the fruit roll up and capri suns… I gotta say… I too, am that friend that brings the random snacks lol
    I will always have protein bars and those mini oreos in the individual serving size… also coconut water… the Kirkland brand lol… I usually keep 2 with me… and definitely trail mix too. I got a mini back pack so it all fits.
    Sometimes I'll make my own homemade granola and bring it along to share and oh yeah I carry cuties too… you know those baby tangerines lol

    I got the snack hookup hahha.. I started doing that more when I would hang out with my friend who would always wanna hang out when she was hangry and didnt eat all day because she forgot… ugh cant relate.
    …then I would bust out the bars and snacks to shit her up lol


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