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OLD SCHOOL TURKEY stock This is what I use to my old school giblet gravy and old school cornbread dressing That’s the key to making it taste good A good …

25 replies
  1. mark five
    mark five says:

    Man when someone says catty corner you know there old school. I can’t count how many times I heard my mother say that. The very first time I can remember her telling me to help her move the couch catty corner I was standing like what the heck are you talking about.

  2. Beverly Sims
    Beverly Sims says:

    I know that’s going to be good . My late mother in law made turkey tail dressing. We call the tails the last part to go over the fence. Thank you Chef. My family loves your videos.

  3. Vickii Bendit
    Vickii Bendit says:

    I’ll also pour some of the stock into old fashioned ice cube trays and pop into a freezer bag when frozen solid. Then I just pop a stock cube into whatever I’m cooking.
    I’ll also throw some pepper corns into the stock.

  4. Vickii Bendit
    Vickii Bendit says:

    I use my crockpot. I’ll put it on after I clean up after supper and let it cook on low overnight. I’ll can it up in the morning, pressure cook it for 90 minutes and I’ll have turkey, chicken, pork, or beef stock to cook with. I also use filtered water. It makes a big difference.

  5. Carrie’s Cozy Kitchen
    Carrie’s Cozy Kitchen says:

    Watched your dressing video from last year. I must say I have never used sausage in my dressing but I think I’m going to try it this year. Hopefully won’t freak my family out but it sounds good. Thanks for sharing. By the way love your videos.

  6. Kelly Brown
    Kelly Brown says:

    My lovely Southern Lady Mama would say "LOVE is the most important ingredient "….. then she would dump some cans of store bought broth into her dressing. (I think your way is much better)

  7. Avivia Patrick
    Avivia Patrick says:

    New idea for me to cook the bones and tails in the oven. I always just put them in the stock pot and simmered them. My family would snack on the cooked meat. We don’t care for the meat in our gravy or dressing but I’m absolutely going to try your oven method. I grow my own sage and thyme in the summer just for my dressing.


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