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33 replies
  1. Mark Wheeler
    Mark Wheeler says:

    Hi guys. Fellow Arizonan here. I've always loved stuffed peppers, but I never thought about making them myself. But now that I see how easy it is, I think I'll give it a try. Thanks!

  2. Jenn Bing
    Jenn Bing says:

    I love this! I’m definitely going to make it! Can you try making Long Hot Stuffed Peppers? I use to eat this Italian fish when I ate meat. The place I bought them from didn’t use red sauce. I’m not sure how to make them.

  3. Kristina Fontaine
    Kristina Fontaine says:

    Looks really good! I made your baked beans and wonderful cheese sauce again this week. I make it a little thicker, using a 12 oz bag of cauliflower. Had some w/black bean loaf. (Like lentil loaf but with beans) 😍

  4. katerina leoudi
    katerina leoudi says:

    Hallo Joey and Tim,
    Your recipe looks delicious! We have a traditional recipe with stuffed peppers in Greece as well and we also use rice and a lot of fresh herbs but adding the lentils sounds a really good idea 😊

  5. Julie Johnson
    Julie Johnson says:

    These look absolutely delicious!😋 I think I'll make these for dinner tonight. Thanks Joey and Tim for these beautiful recipes, please keep up the fantastic work in making these videos!☺️

  6. John Warner
    John Warner says:

    I have a cherry tomato, onion and garlic baked sauce where I bake the halved tomatoes, onions and garlic – then add stock and tomato paste and rice
    so I think I might use that as a stuffing for my peppers.

  7. sn232
    sn232 says:

    Did your oven come with that sliding shelf or did you add it yourself? I'd love to have that! If you added yourself please let me know where you bought it. I definitely am making those stuffed peppers yum!!!

  8. TerBer
    TerBer says:

    Love this recipe. Thank you. I like my peppers soft so when I make stuffed peppers I pre-cook my peppers in the air fryer. Put peppers in air fryer WHOLE and cook till al dente. You will get a little browning which is even more flavor. Remove and let cool. Then prepare the peppers for stuffing, stuff and put in oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Love the idea of nutritional yeast on the top for that "cheese" look.

  9. Kim Clark
    Kim Clark says:

    What part of Italy is your family from? I am part Italian and have family from Parenti in Southern Calabria. I barely eat any Italian food now since I am plant based because I am not a fan of the bean pastas, so this recipe looks really good. When I make it I will put some vegan parmesan on top (just equal parts almonds and nutritional yeast chopped in the food chopper/processor). Thanks for the recipe!

  10. Carol Ann Fox
    Carol Ann Fox says:

    I can’t believe I have every ingredient! And it takes care of that big bag of peppers from Costco I was going to just have to chop up and freeze so they didn’t waste away in the fridge. Making these tonight. Thanks! They will remind me of the great stuffed peppers my mom made when I was a kid that I loved. 😍


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