Nutritionist Cooks Diabetes Friendly Recipes

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Cooking meals when you have diabetes can be challenging, but it’s not impossible! Cooking and eating balanced meals is highly …

34 replies
  1. @rudetoy8264
    @rudetoy8264 says:

    What a waste of time here! People came here because they know want “Diabetes Friendly Recipes” but instead they got earful of lecture and lousy cooking. Do you even know how to cook?

  2. @topofladder
    @topofladder says:

    been a diabetic for 18 years and the diet I wish I followed from the beginning is the dash diet Although it is for people with high blood pressure its great for people in general as this diet allows for more vegetables and fruits which is always a good thing and reduced salt and reduced fat in the meal plan. I just started the Dash diet and I don't even miss things like pizza or fries or any of that stuff because I know i;m going to be having a great meal that will fill me up and will be real food with good nutrition

  3. @lorendabayley1208
    @lorendabayley1208 says:

    Can you please show me a video for type one diabetes Nutrias meal. I am diabetic and Asian and love rice one meal. Throughout the day sometimes red potatoes. One tortilla. Few grapes like 6 few almonds like 5. Can you suggest a proper diet for type one.

  4. @mariacarleymiillington9214
    @mariacarleymiillington9214 says:

    Hey mates it's a blessing I finally found
    the real diabetes cure from
    Dr. Kanayo peterson

    YouTube channel. God will continue to bless you sir for helping me. I love you. Lad's a trial will confuse you and
    I bet you will surely come back to thank me.

  5. @robadams5799
    @robadams5799 says:

    I like the fact that she explained the different types of diabetes to start. I was Type 2 for a while and then I "graduated" to Type 1. Yay me! I did a little digging and found that Ms. Sebatian has a BS in Community Nutrition from the University of the Philippines Diliman, so she's not just an enthusiastic ameteur.

  6. @nikkinarciso9954
    @nikkinarciso9954 says:

    I live in the US and I really love how featr has grown as a channel over the years. Especially living in a place with limited filipino ingredients, I am so happy to look to this channel for meal prep ideas, healthy and otherwise, that is outside of chicken and rice seen on YT or tiktok so often. Thank you!

  7. @suenosupdate
    @suenosupdate says:

    Nice content but permit me to add a little……………………….. For individuals with diabetes, a balanced diet rich in nutrient-dense foods can help manage blood sugar levels and overall health. Here are some foods that are generally considered beneficial for diabetic individuals:

    Non-Starchy Vegetables: Broccoli, leafy greens, bell peppers, cauliflower, and other non-starchy vegetables are low in carbohydrates and calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

    Lean Protein Sources: Chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, legumes, and low-fat dairy products provide essential protein without significantly affecting blood sugar levels.

    Whole Grains: Oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole grain bread or pasta are high in fiber and can be included in moderation to help manage blood sugar levels.

    Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil contain heart-healthy fats that can help with satiety and overall health.

    Fruits: Berries, apples, citrus fruits, and other low glycemic index fruits in moderate portions can be part of a balanced diet.

    Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are high in fiber and protein while having a relatively low glycemic index.

    Dairy Products: Low-fat or non-fat dairy options like Greek yogurt or skim milk provide protein and calcium without excessive amounts of added sugars.

    Herbs and Spices: Flavoring foods with herbs and spices can add taste without extra salt or sugar.

    I recommend the book below for more insight:


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