Nutrisystem Week 1 Recap | What is Week 2 About?

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Snail Mail: Kim Maness PO Box 969 Kannapolis, NC 28082 Email: Website:

45 replies
  1. Wakeup to Life
    Wakeup to Life says:

    Hey sweetie….YAY for you and David. I'm so proud of you!!! Did you eat any of the unlimited soup you made? I don't start Nutrisystem thill Monday, and I'm going to make some of that and add some extra veggies to it, maybe some cabbage and celery. I'll let you know how my week 1 goes. Oh, I chose the Nutrisystem Diabetic program, obviously since I'm a Type 2. Just keeping you abreast of my doings, lol xoxo ~ Michelle D~

  2. Marilyn S
    Marilyn S says:

    I am so proud of you, Kim…your water and vegetable intake…hope you can sustain this thru entire healthy journey…it’s a struggle everyday for me, but we keep plugging along…🎊🎉🎊

  3. Vivan Colemire
    Vivan Colemire says:

    You are glowing! I’m so excited for you and so glad you have the support from David. He’s a keeper for sure. I’m pulling for you both. I am the opposite with the veggies….I think I could be a vegetarian with carbs thrown in. I don’t eat many raw vegetables, but I’m starting to add them in daily for a snack. I will only eat cauliflower raw….can’t stand it cooked unless it’s covered in cheese! A new journey, a new you! You’ve got this!

  4. Cheryl Land
    Cheryl Land says:

    So proud of you for your dedication to this part of your journey. I ate so many salads that I couldn’t look at lettuce for the longest time! I know that you will see great results!

  5. Connie Crofoot
    Connie Crofoot says:

    Congratulations on a successful week. I have several family members who suffer diabetes. I know how scary it can be for your sugar to drop like that. You might want to have some orange juice on hand for emergencies. Good luck next week staying on program. Love your videos!

  6. Dawn Rae
    Dawn Rae says:

    You did great. I’m the same with vegetables but just think how happy your body is because of those veggies. You’re doing great with the water too. Have you tried the iced coffee yet ? Your brain needs carbs. And your body needs calories to make your body get its metabolism Reved up.

  7. Gypsybug
    Gypsybug says:

    You are absolutely glowing in this video! I can see how accomplished you feel and it's wonderful. So happy for you and I cannot wait to hear your update tomorrow. Your hubby is such a keeper. I also really appreciate the encouragement you sprinkled in there. Tomorrow is week 1 day 5 for me and I'm about sick of veggie soup haha!

  8. Suzanne's Brightlines
    Suzanne's Brightlines says:

    Kim it sounds like your indulger is front and centre they try to sooth you when they think you are in pain emotionally. Brain is ruled by our different parts. The controller is the one that keeps you on plan. Keeps you on your path. When sugar and flour carbs are limited the saboteur works with the indulger. Speak to these parts and tell them you got this, this is something you need to do to fix your knees. This will help keep the saboteur and indulger from creating food thoughts. Sounds like a great 2nd week. You have had a great week 1 so proud of you and David with the vegetables.


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