Not Your Typical POTATO SALAD ∙ Instant Pot

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Make this delicious potato salad in your Instant Pot. Perfect for your bbq or summer meal. This isn’t your typical potato salad. ** SUPPORT THE CHANNEL …

28 replies
  1. Kristine Mueller
    Kristine Mueller says:

    This is my favorite potato salad EVER! I've made it twice now, the first was eaten at room temp, but today I have made it ahead for a Father's Day gathering (too much to prep at last minute). Hope it tasts as good as when we did "The Taste" just now. Thanks for another great tutorial, I followed your recipe to the T.

  2. HankTsui
    HankTsui says:

    I know I can look it up but I'd rather hear it from an authoritative source. What's Canadian bacon called in Canada? Is it just called "ham" and the ham from the U.S. is called "American ham"? Bacon is bacon everywhere it seems. As the kids would say .. "so meta"

  3. Nysha Blue
    Nysha Blue says:

    Yum! I use a very close recipe for Christmas potato salad, but I roast the potatoes with olive oil. I'll have to try it this summer using the Instant Pot, since it's too hot to turn on the oven.

  4. macgurrl
    macgurrl says:

    It is definitely beginning to feel like potato salad weather. I have made the non mayo version before with a bit of olive oil, grainy mustard, lemon, salt, pepper and sugar. I usually make it for my vegan friends. I would like to see your version.

  5. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Yum! Definitely interested in another potato salad video because it is such a great side dish to bring to a potluck. Hubby and I aren't very 'into' heavily mayo-based salads whether it is potato or pasta based. I remember a few years back reading how the scary food safety aspect of salads like this don't vilify the mayo-based recipes but really placed the blame on the starches such as the potatoes or pastas. It was a big surprise to me but really, so long as you are careful to keep your dish chilled it isn't a worry right? Can't wait to give your potato salad recipe a try even though I will have to scale it down quite a bit. Hope you will have a very pleasant late spring/early summer!

  6. Christine Miner
    Christine Miner says:

    Hey flo—bought your cookbook and wanted to pass on my thanks! We have made about 5 of your recipes so far and…..they are easy to follow with lots of flavor….so thanks! You made my life easier.


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