Not So Serious Keto Interview #2 – Indigo Nili

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In this monthly series, I will be interviewing other YouTube keto content creators – some more famous than others, but all are …

29 replies
  1. Roz Carlson
    Roz Carlson says:

    While listening (yes, I was doing other things while I was playing the video 🧹🧺😆), I was contemplating the "falling" PSMF bread, hawaiian buns, angel food cake, and popovers. I found myself wondering if there might be a way to cool them similarly to cooling an angel food cake to prevent some of the deflation. It might involve an invention, something like a "bun form-angel food cake pan," or rigging away to cool the buns upside down without them falling out of the pan?

  2. Golem
    Golem says:

    Glad to see this one! And as a bonus, was wondering a few days ago what the status of the noodle/batter/cracker recipe was so glad to see it's release hadn't slipped by me somehow. Thanks Steve and Nili!

  3. Marti Corpany
    Marti Corpany says:

    I agree with everyone else. Love you both !! Thanks for the entertainment and education. I'm subscribed to you both, have tried several of both of your recipes with great success and can't thank you enough.

  4. Ovel Rankin
    Ovel Rankin says:

    I wonder if some of those mean comments are generated by bots or computers and not real people. They seem to be generating so much other content that it makes me wonder……

  5. Gisele Smith
    Gisele Smith says:

    This was a terrific interview. I too have spent many years on different diets, including the Stillman (really a long time ago when I was in high school), vegan, pescatarian, weight watchers, etc. I was doing well on keto but adding intermittent fasting gave me my sweet spot for weight loss and maintenance. I am very happy to have found Nili's channel here and will definitely be watching from now on. Thank you both for an enjoyable time.

  6. Linda Stiles
    Linda Stiles says:

    I think one of Nili's best creations is her egglife-like wraps…they are way better than egglife and super genious! I enjoyed the video so much, I appreciate you both and have learned so much from watching. Thanks you guys! For all you do for all of us!!

  7. Gail Ouellette
    Gail Ouellette says:

    Great interview. I have to tell you, I made Nili's butter buns but accidently put in cheddar cheese powder (my cheddar cheese powder is white as is the butter powder) instead of the butter powder…best mistake ever. I served them that night as hamburger buns to my non-keto family and it was the first time EVER they actually said it was the best keto thing I made and they said it tasted like a regular bun.


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