Not in the best place right now – The first Kitchen Vlog of 2023

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It may just seem like a gripe and a moan, but it is much more an acknowledgement and ownership of where I’m at right now, and …

40 replies
  1. Sandra Banawich
    Sandra Banawich says:

    Enjoying veganuary working on my mental health trying not to get angry around the mental health subject Hard when you ve been sectioned four times last time was for 9 months but I'm trying to remember everyone isn't a bad guy

  2. e.fortuny whitton
    e.fortuny whitton says:

    I've been intermittent fasting for several years now and love-it! My version is to have coffee in the morning, then just water until about 2PM, at this time I usually have a small bowl of oats mixed with: oat bran, quinoa, flax, coco powder, fig sugar, coconut flakes, wheat germ, chia seeds and some berries, or whatever fruit we have; then a healthy dinner in the evening. I do this irrespective of whether or not I'm trying to lose a few pounds… If I'm trying to lose a few pounds, I essentially do the same, but lessen the amount of food at dinner (the oat portion is very small, and oats are an excellent daily food as they are an amazing minimizer of any inflammation in the body). I don't even think about it now, my routine… actually, the few times I've had to eat first-thing in the AM now, I don't like the way I feel… like there was no break or cleaning/rest of the system, etc. I don't watch the news anymore and I'm much happier. I scan the BBC online, and my go-to news is Plant Based News, I just scan that as well, and Tweet their content. I do what I can each day via petitions, donations, etc. for the animals… but watching the news doesn't really help anyone, not really; I think all-told the TV in our home is only on at night for one hour. I hope you feel better! ❤ Sending you a big hug & lots of love! xx Thank you for all you do!! ❤

  3. hannahmitchell87
    hannahmitchell87 says:

    Seems we're in a similar mindset. And as you said, that's ok because we're taking steps to acknowledge & change what we can.
    Derren Brown just said on a podcast that we shouldn't immediately try to run from anxiety, depression, low mood etc because it's often a sign something needs to change.
    The world seems gloomy enough atm but especially as vegans, why wouldn't we feel down when we're misrepresented, criticised & surrounded by hypocrisy?
    Must admit, I'm trying to limit my vegan content lately to avoid the dramas & conflicts.
    I know limiting social media isn't that simple for you so for the interactions you can't avoid, please remember, you're making a difference & many others are with you in your corner.
    We've only got so much bandwidth & sometimes need to prioritise what's necessary & best for us, just to get through the day.
    I've also been considering dopamine fasting. Not sure if it'd appeal to you but thought I'd throw it out there.
    And yoga helps my mental health, as much as it adds to the gentle ribbing / walking stereotype status.
    I should probably start littering, buy a hummer, & swear at old ladies to throw people off 😉
    Lots of love to you Paul (& Jason too!)
    This too shall pass 🖤🖤🖤

  4. recordatron
    recordatron says:

    I really feel you on the existential stuff and just feeling like you're completely at odds with some members of the human race. It does an absolute number on your mental health and it feels like the world is just merrily sprinting towards oblivion most of the time but having social spaces like this channel are super important reminders that not everyone is like that and there's others out there in the same mindset and fighting to make things better. Take care of yourself and just know that you're not alone in feeling this way and we're making progress bit by bit together. It's also super important to take news and social media breaks, it's nothing to be ashamed of and you can fight the good fight better when you're not overburdening yourself with negative input.

  5. Kate Neale
    Kate Neale says:

    Watching you today has put into words how I feel at the minute. I couldn't put it into words myself that I'm in the middle of alot that is happening that I have to do and what I so desperately want to do. Sharing that has helped me, so thank you ❤️

  6. karen Smith
    karen Smith says:

    Paul I honestly don’t know how you and Jason upload so much content, it must be so time consuming, your head must be in a spin everyday thinking what’s next on the agenda, please slow down mate and take the care ❤️

  7. Tudor
    Tudor says:

    Came across your channel and guess what im hooked loved the Sainsbury's vlog I'm on my journey to becoming a vegan and needed ideas for food and meals so hopefully your vlogs will help me on this new chapter. Take time out for self care lovli x love Sharon from Midlands

  8. Bird Song
    Bird Song says:

    Existential Crisis, very understandable, especially for a highly sensitive person. Journaling a few minutes a day helps me and some others. All part of the journey for awakening beings, 💚🌞

  9. Little Pea
    Little Pea says:

    I banned myself from youtube for January… spending too much time on here. However I clicked a link somewhere, ended up here and couldn't bypass your video. I am sending you all the love, totally feel you, feeling the same. Loved your talk and reminder about the animals, I'm vegan but even I sometimes forget my reasons for doing this… heartbreaking, but heartening to know there are lovely people like you, who care <3

  10. Richard Benham
    Richard Benham says:

    The steak comment, its funny how they've all "just had" or "about to have" something we wouldn't like, lack of brain cells engaged to come up with something honest or original. Thank you for sharing with us Paul 💚

  11. Timothy Randall
    Timothy Randall says:

    You are Truly one of the most inspiring, Refreshingly Honest , Amazing persons i have come across here on YouTube since starting my Vegan journey EVER.. Keep up your wonderful work and know you are loved and appreciated by all of us Fellow Vegans…💚

  12. Dylan The dyslexic villain
    Dylan The dyslexic villain says:

    Bless you lovely paul thank u for shareing , most people let themselves go around Christmas me included you are incredibly good at losing weight there’s no doubt in my mind that you can’t do it again you’re a very strong positive man it’s okay to let yourself go from time to time, Also the amount of work you do running a house cooking for your lovely husband go to work to do a very emotionally hard job and also put out a fantastic YouTube content you do more than most much more than I do you’re a fantastic man never forget that and Jason too, I also Love pigeons and the noise they make thare so cute it upsets me too when people stamp their feet just like you mentioned, You and Jason are both selfless fantastic human beings who do make a big difference to lots of other peoples lives me included thare is so much love for you and Jason from your YouTube friends ❤️ I wish you strength with your weight loss journey and I will be doing it with you I definitely need to shed a few pounds too , much love

  13. Rachel Key
    Rachel Key says:

    Loved this so much Paul (not the fact that you are having a tough time but your honesty and compassion) that it nudged me into becoming a Patron – definitely the best thing I can do in Veganuary. And IT WOULD BE RUDE NOT TO! Vegan for 23 years and just LOVE your channel – recommend to oldies and newbies. Thank-you both.

  14. Norma Wilkinson
    Norma Wilkinson says:

    I too am a carer and I totally understand what you are saying. You are there for the service users and you lose yourself. And when away from work I always think of others before myself. I also do fasting. My is 18 x 6. Fast for 18 and eat for 6. I have lost weight but the best benefit is my sugar levels are back in range. You will soon be back. You have the love of good people around you. Little steps. Take care

  15. Helly Welly
    Helly Welly says:

    Thank you for sharing. I feel very much like you at the moment, everything can feel so overwhelming sometimes. January always seems to be so depressing too. Very much in the same boat with regards to weight. Just seems to be static. My age, thyroid issues makes losing weight so much more difficult however much I try and exercise. Being a food lover like you makes losing weight so much more of a challenge, with so many gorgeous vegan recipes and options out there. I do think sometimes we do get caught up with the processed stuff in the supermarket for it’s convenience, and forget about the healthier options. Especially when we’re tired and want comfort food. I have pondered the intermittent fasting, maybe I should take it a bit more seriously and research it. Thanks for the encouragement with your positive results.
    You do have so much on your plate, so important to find time for yourself, putting you first. If it means cutting back on vlogs, then so be it, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
    I know it’s not for everyone, but maybe download a mindfulness app, it helps me so much just to sit and concentrate on my breathing for 20 minutes or so. Also, ( I need to do this more often too) learning to eat mindfully, can be a big help, thinking about the process of taste, texture and taking our time on what we’re consuming, it’s amazing how much we eat without thinking about the actual thing we have put into our mouth!
    Thanks for all you do, getting the vegan word out there for the animals.
    Take it easy, there is always sunshine behind the cloud.x

  16. Donna E
    Donna E says:

    My son shouts at the parents if their kids are chasing pigeons, he can be really cutting, it's hilarious to watch them frozen in shock. Keep talking to us Paul, keep going with the activism, just concentrate on how many people who are vegan from your videos and how many of their friends and family they turn vegan. Your videos are incredibly important for new and old vegans.

  17. Louise17
    Louise17 says:

    You need a self care day pick a day off the week and do everything that makes YOU happy 😊 xxxx your a fantastic carer and deserve the best and too be happy well done in your job I would love to work with children or adults with special needs 😊 ❤️ my dream job but iam still looking for a job in that department 🏬 🏢 😊 xxxx night 🌙 xxxx all my love Louise and John from Scotland 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  18. Toms Office
    Toms Office says:

    I’m the same with peoples attitudes towards pigeons. I also get really upset at the amount of hate seagulls get. There’s a reason they come in land and scavenge and that’s because people don’t look after where they live, they drop food litter. The poor souls are only doing what comes natural to them. 😢 So I understand completely, there’s no need for it.
    It was wonderful to see you so animated when you were talking about your passion for animals, your own creative endeavours and working with other likeminded people fighting for the animals. It’s obvious that’s where your heart lies, it’s a pity you can’t do that full time without having to work full time elsewhere; I don’t know of any other YouTubers who work as hard as you and Jason do so please remember to stop and breathe, don’t burn yourselves out. The vegan community would be less richer without you both…not all heroes wear capes. 😘
    Sending my love, hope you find your old equilibrium soon. 😘Xx

  19. Kaz Ryberg
    Kaz Ryberg says:

    It is so important to realise when you’re not ok, and to recognise it’s ok to not be ok. As long as it doesn’t turn into distress, it’s great that you are looking after yourself. You’re right, it is amazing what a couple of kilos can impact. Prior to
    Christmas I was jumping out of bed in the morning, post Christmas I’m so sluggish. I’m working on losing the few kilos that are slowing me down ❤


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