Normals Test “GAME CHANGING” Store Cupboard Ingredients | Sorted Food

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We are back again and our chefs have created a list of ingredients they think the normals and you should have in the cupboard at …

44 replies
  1. Jelly Monster
    Jelly Monster says:

    I get my capers dry in rocksalt, then it getting sprinkled over green salad (including salt) with a little olive oil and balsamic vinigar. The rocksalt complements so well

  2. E B
    E B says:

    Ben's taken my favorite party trick! I make a version that chocolate dish into a pie with an Oreo crust & serve it regularly. I love playing the guessing game & seeing their faces when I say it's tofu!

  3. Tsc Tempest
    Tsc Tempest says:

    This whole episode has been awesome! I'm not into capers, but the frying of them is intriguing. The gnocchi hack is awesome, do you cook them in boiling water first before using them? That wasn't clear to me.The silken tofu, long-life, was an eye opener – its classified as a type of cheese, would love to see this used as a béchamel substitute. As for the bombay mix, that was simply neat. I now have a new respect for it as a reason for being on the shelf.

  4. Aselus
    Aselus says:

    a note on silked tofu that's importnt: it uses a different coagulent, which leads to the texture. You can actually buy compressed silken tofu ^^

  5. Kimi89Ko
    Kimi89Ko says:

    Ha! The Bombay Mix is like me using crisps to season oven veggies on the last day of vacation, when we needed to get rid of all the leftovers 🥳🤣👌🏻

  6. Felix Zhao
    Felix Zhao says:

    One more thing about the tofu. Silky tofu is most often made using gypsum, and the harder and more grainy one are hard tofu made using kind of brine solution. The compression part mostly changes it from a more liquid version (豆花)into tofu.

  7. Natalie Horn
    Natalie Horn says:

    Re mashed potatoes, do you not have the instant mashed potato flakes we do in Switzerland and Germany (possibly other countries too)? I know it's not the same as gnocchi but if I want fast mashed potatoes that is what I reach for!

  8. LukeHB21
    LukeHB21 says:

    Been watching for at least 2 years if not 4 or more first video I've felt the need to comment and say how good this video was , enjoy them all but this one was a banger

  9. Nathan Brown
    Nathan Brown says:

    Integrate these smart ingredients into the sidekick app?

    I can already tell that "silken tofu can only sometimes replace cream" is going to make it difficult to use

  10. D FH
    D FH says:

    That modality of silken tofu is the worst quality possible and it is full of stabilizers. Real silken tofu usually comes in tube-shaped plastic bag.
    What you did is the equivalent of saying that Tesco value "sausages" are the best sausages and what you should expect sausages to taste like.

  11. Jeffrey McNeil
    Jeffrey McNeil says:

    The Silken Tofu thing might be worth a look. Not sure I can get it where I live, but it still could be nice. We often make curry thickened with cream, and it's literally the only thing we do with cream, so we never use it all.

  12. marylong17
    marylong17 says:

    Dont' you have Potato mash flakes in the UK? Here in Switzerland they are very popular. It's basicly dehydrated potato in form of flakes, you add milk and butter and you have mash potatoes in a minute. They are such a great cheat, not as good as the original, of course, but still very good on a day to day basis, and great for quick shepperds pies etc…


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