Non-Toxic Living + Gluten – Free Vegan Recipe with Veggiekins 🌱

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9 replies
  1. DQUE Derek Quinn
    DQUE Derek Quinn says:

    I also had that epiphany:
    That Animal flesh ISN'T FOOD.
    …and eggs are just "chicken periods ".

    Any time I hear, "are U Vegan enough?"
    …I think, "Is Any one kind enough?"
    The answer is not "Yes" …
    But "I am Kinder, now."

  2. Michael Lyon
    Michael Lyon says:

    ✨ hi 👋🏻:) Veggiekins is cute ! Ok stay on topic Mike 🤪 : it would be cool to see the three of you with a guest possibly ? cook a meal together? Perhaps cook the same meal together and then eat together and chat? ✨🧡

  3. serendipitymoments
    serendipitymoments says:

    An awesome episode! Question: what were the pots and pans she was talking about that help contribute to a non-toxic way of life??? In the process of re-hauling the kitchen so curious recommendations! Thank you ladies for all that you do!😊


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