No Tag Tuesday: Odds & Ends Tag

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Trials of a Long Haired Girl: Life With Sandy: …

33 replies
  1. Judy Logue
    Judy Logue says:

    I wanna be in Yellowstone!! Terry wants to be in Downton Abbey. We both think we're rich!! Your singing was great!!
    I hate moving!!!
    šŸ•·ļø scary ALL OF THEM.

  2. Anne Kern
    Anne Kern says:

    I am watching General Hospital since 1963! I was a little girl…still watch today!!.. my son scheduled all his college classes around Days of Our Lives….haha. because of his Mama!!!!

  3. Average Jay
    Average Jay says:

    My friend has a bunch of hives for bees (he has great honey). There are always bees all around his yard and I am used to them. You leave them alone…they leave you alone!

  4. Recipes with Roy
    Recipes with Roy says:

    Luckily I didn't happen to be watching ID (which is a go-to for me, which makes Paul nervous LOL) before I recorded my tag. As much as I love true crime, I don't want to be in the middle of one! And Judy did tell me about your dancing, which was immediately what I thought of when I read the question. :^D


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